Jun 03, 2007 20:58
Summer Ness
My summer has gotten off to a really good start. My new dorm is so beautiful, being inside makes me really happy. My fabulous roommate and I got didn’t get a really big double, but it’s still bigger than our unit room. And our view of the field is amazing, it’s a lot better than seeing the letter ΣΧ from our window. The research is going well as well. I actually enjoy doing the research, and I like having flexible hours. It sounds mind numbingly boring, but I enjoy it, so if I can enjoy this stuff this must be a good sign for my future career. And I’m going to have a second job as well babysitting my professor’s 7 month old. I was just wandering around my dorm one day when I recognized his wife. She said she was looking for a baby sitter for 3 hours a day while she studies for the bar. She didn’t think I would be interested since I’m a guy and I’m working for a husband. But I told her how I was looking for another job since the research is only 20 hours a week. So I think I have my summer lined up now. Econ research for 20 hours a week at $8/hr, and the babysitting 15 hours a week at $11/hr, so I think I’ll be making some money this summer, which is good. So I think this will be a productive summer, full of stuff I enjoy doing. I’m also enjoying cooking. I’m made simple stuff like hamburger helper, pasta, french toast, and brownies from a box, so I’m gradually moving on from just Ramen noodles.
Currently at my gf’s house. I took a train and then metro line up to here place in the DC area, since my car has 208,000 miles on it and doesn’t do long trips well anymore. It’s been a good time so far. I like how this relationship is going. She’s a lot of fun to talk to, and there has been no drama between us so far, which is such a blessing. She’s been having some problem finance wise since she’s not making a whole lot of money as a waitress, but I think she’s handling it ok. She also had money stolen from her purse at work, which was not cool. So she ‘s stresses about this financial matters, but isn’t getting all hysterically about it, and has a good support network to of myself, family, and friends, so I think she’ll pull through this tough time alright. So I hope things keep going the way they are :)