Got all A’s this semester, so woot about that. I’m up to a 3.84 GPA, which is pretty good. This past semester was really good. I was really busy, but it was a good busy. I really enjoyed all my classes except political philosophy, but even that class was alright.
Summer!!! Like I said I’m doing research for an Econ Prof. I’m basically going through an online database to find the exact timing of quarterly earning reports for the 30 companies on the Dow Jones Industrial average. This on paper sounds excruciating boring. But it’s really not that bad, I’ve enjoyed doing the research so far. I feel if I can like this grunt work research, I’ll really enjoy being an economist. I get paid $8/hr and I get free housing, so that’s fairly good. I can also get a second job as a waiter if need be.
I’m also going to learn how to cook this summer. The summer meal plans aren’t very good. So I’m excited to see how that goes. My mom has bought me cooking items as well. I mean as long as I don’t give myself food poisoning, my food has to be better than the dining hall food, right…hopefully
I’m also seeing my gf in the beginning of June. I’m going up to DC on a train to see her. We plan on going to the zoo one day, so that should be cool. I think see wants to show me off to her friends and co workers up there.
Housing Next Year
I’m excited about having an apartement next year. However the 3rd person in my triple thinks he’s flunked out of school. If this is really the case then I’ll really miss him. However it would be cool having a triple just between my present fabulous roommate and me. I hope the new person would be ok with this poster I got for my roommate...
I think it’s awesome, but I can see how it would sketch people out. But however it turns out I would still be fine with a 3rd person, it would be a good bonding experience, and after living in the worst upperclassmen dorms on campus I would be cool with pretty much anything.
So that’s my life. I’m very content right now. Every thing is going well spiritually. I’ve started to read the entire old testament, and I’m up to 2 Samuel, so I feel that’s pretty good. Finances are good as well, I’m actually not that broke at the end of this school year. Only downer is that my dog just got hookworms, but we have medicine so I think she’ll pull though.