
Mar 29, 2023 07:56

Candy and I basically did the exact same hike yesterday that Rainy and I did on Sunday - past the beaver dam and then up on Black Gum Hill. I used the little full spectrum camera for picture taking with the IR Chrome lens yesterday though. Pictures:

This was in the front yard while waiting for Candy to pick me up. The daffodils are getting ready to bud.

Beaver dam.

Chewed by a beaver.

I liked how the bark curled up so nicely on this fallen tree. The beavers had eaten the bark on the sides and only left the bark on the top side.

The beaver's lodge is on the far side of the pond.

Close up of the lodge.

I thought this stump was interesting the way it disintegrated into string.

The beaver's pond is farther down stream from here.

I took a picture of these same moss colored rocks on Sunday.

On the way home we saw this bald eagle just standing in a field beside the road. I didn't realize before that eagles look like they are wearing pants.

It finally took off.

Today will be women's group at Berdella's. I always have a hard time deciding what I will bring to work on. I envy others who just bring the same thing every week and have the mindset to keep working on that. My interest in artwork and art journaling has gone way down. I wish I could bring a piano and headphones and do that instead. Not that I want to play piano all day long, or do, but that has sort of become my single creative outlet anymore. Making sounds that then evaporate into the air. I have nothing to show for it afterwards. If I was better I could perform and make people happy with my music. But all I can do is please myself. It all seems so selfish. That's something I'm getting used to - doing something that is only for me, with absolutely no benefit to others. Having to withstand the voices in my head that tell me I should have "something to show" for what I do, or what I do should help someone - I should be working towards that. Though, really. It's not much different from getting lost in reading a book and the voices don't harangue me for that.

The last dream I had this morning was that I was helping some kids who were about 10 years old build a horse barn. They had no idea what they were doing. No idea. I was afraid that the building when it was done would actually harm the horse with nails that stuck out on the inside and big drafty, leaky openings. I didn't want to discourage the kids that their plans and skills where awful but I wanted the structure to be good when it was done so I thought I should say something and take charge. It was a quandary. In the workshop there was a huge woodstove that I had to keep going and for some reason the wood in it had to be placed way in the back. I had to practically climb in to place the fresh wood on the fire. It was difficult to not get burned.

But in real life things aren't so difficult. Just do what's in front of me. Something will appear when it's the right time, that will be the right thing to do. I just need to wait and see what it is when it arrives.

kolari - ir chrome, full spectrum camera, candy, 2 mile run, thinking, eagles, dream

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