Dave and I took the dogs for a walk to the lake last night. The Golden Hour. Pix:
The neighbors who own the lake have been moving a lot of dirt around. This used to be a place where you could walk down a gradual incline to the lake. Now they are piling up dirt to make a dike to keep future gullies forming when there are floods. The dike ruins our view here of the lake (which used to be so pretty) but it will keep our land from washing away during the flood times.
Andy and Little Rainy in the golden light.
I thought it was interesting how the last rains we had moved this mud.
Andy taking a swim.
Another place where the lake owner is moving dirt and stones around. The creek is on the far side of this.
You can see a little bit of creek in this picture.
A rock that Dave found. The cracks held water and showed the pattern. Later when the rock dried you couldn't see the pattern but you could see a few miniscule hairline cracks.
Rainy in Dave's garden. The marigolds have gotten huge. The potatoes were in the area where Rainy is. The dogs love to go in with us and sniff around. Usually when we take a walk to the lake we stop off at the garden on the way back and carry some produce home.
Today is the 39th anniversary of the evening Dave and I met. I just looked it up and it was a Saturday too. I think we need to do something special today.