
Feb 16, 2022 06:25

last night
everybody's tired

sebby's interview was cancelled today
so no trip to pittsburgh airport
just another stay at home day for me
though it's supposed to get up to 50F
i want to do something outside
if the snow turns granular and loses the hard crust
maybe i'll tromp over to my goat shed at least
see how it's weathered the winter

we got another different egg yesterday so now 3 chickens are laying

most important for a partner or best friend: intelligence or sense of humor?
i'd have to say sense of humor
it wouldn't matter how intelligent
a person was if they were in a bad mood all the time
i wouldn't want to be around them

what is something that interested you when you were younger that you no longer care about?
drugs, drinking and getting high
that was a phase that ended before i turned 30

skye, eggs, signs of spring, chickens, dave, portrait a day challenge

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