Feb 17, 2022 07:09
50F right now
feels great
though we are expecting heavy rain later today
probably wash away a lot of the snow and then
the creek will be high
today would be brother john's birthday
74 if he had lived
gone for 18 years now
i did tromp through the snow over to my goatshed yesterday
so many spiderwebs
are spiders that active in the winter cold?
i guess they are
i will definitely need to do a deep cleaning
this spring before i can hang out in there
just to see
this morning
i tried to crochet with my hand in the cast
and i can!
a lot of the movement
to manipulate the hook needs to come from my elbow
but it is possible
i had wanted to edge each pin loom square with a crochet border
and now i think i can
it'll make a nicer look
to the finished piece
every day
in every way
i am getting
better and better
february 17th is "random acts of kindness day". what random act of kindness would you like someone to perform for you?
i can't think of any big thing
just little things
last night i was cooking something that needed chopped onions and celery
it was a kindness that dave chopped them for me
a kindness tonight would be he take me out to eat somewhere
so i don't have to cook at all
how often do you take naps?
very often
multiple times a day sometimes
though my naps don't last long
5, 10 minutes
just long enough to lose consciousness
then i'm ready to get back up
but if i didn't get enough sleep the night before then i might nap for an hour or two
broken wrist,
lap robes,
goat shed,
pin loom,