
Feb 15, 2022 07:27

this week started out as a nothing week but it's getting full
lunch with candy today
driving down to the pittsburgh airport with sebby tomorrow
(he wants to interview for a job there)
thursday women's art/writing group

there is a tiny stirring of spring approaching
we got 2 eggs yesterday
i had been getting an egg every other day from red
she was the only one who kept up laying all winter
but yesterday blondie laid an egg too
the combs of all the chickens are getting a bit redder each day
it's still bitter cold and everything is covered with snow but something is changing
nature is coming back to life
it's only 3F at the moment but tomorrow it'll be 50!
maybe the snow will be gone soon and i can get out and hike again

what are your favorite smells?
indian temple oil

i love opening this box of scents and smelling the wonderful mix of smells that comes out
sometimes i will just get out every bottle and smell them all
a feast
i like many other smells
generally i like smelling most anything
i like the experience of smells
except shit and the smell of rot and death

do you text more or call more?
it all depends on what it's about
do i just need a quick answer to one question? text
something long and involved? phone

eggs, red the chicken, chickens, scents, blondie, essential oils, spring

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