
Feb 13, 2022 09:57

johnny and alison are in florida now
i was originally going to go with them when the plan was to drive down
but when it changed to flying down i backed out
the covid numbers were too high
and it all seemed too difficult
i'm a little regretful but not too much
i dreamed about them last night
i was in a homeless shelter trying to find a place to sleep
people were very unfriendly and didn't want me near them
i found a high shelf that i had to climb a ladder to get to
difficult with my arm in a cast
the shelf was very narrow
i couldn't turn over
then johnny and alison got there
they had cots and blankets
and invited me to come over and sleep near them
i had a sleeping bag and was looking for a space on the floor
there were still unfriendly people all around me
even though johnny and alison were shielding me,
then tom a appeared in the dream
a person who i had once liked and admired
until he told me off in a very mean way
at the time he was going through a divorce
and i kind of knew the things he was saying weren't meant for me
they were meant for his x
but it still hurt
in the dream he was telling me off again
i didn't deserve to be sheltered there

i would take from the dream that i still had some
subconscious fears about the trip
i was okay with taking a road trip with j and a
and driving there
but i didn't want to fly down separately and meet them there
it all seemed too uncertain back in january when they were planning it
covid, bad weather, possible ice storms in february, airlines suddenly cancelling flights

do you like to draw?
can't wait to get this cast off
so it will be easier

what was the last song you listened to of your own choosing? what was the last song you heard that was imposed on you (e.g. background music at a store, in someone else's car, etc.)?
of my own choosing: "my bonnie lies over the ocean"
it is a song i am practicing with my left handed song book
imposed? can't remember

dave's taking a day off from ice fishing
he offered to do whatever i want
all i can think is to walk at the mall
i would have preferred to walk in the woods somewhere but the snow is too high
and any paths have been condensed down to slick ice
the mall is better than nothing
and maybe once we get out of the house something else interesting will appear

regret, florida trip, dream, piano practice, johnny and alison, fears

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