
Mar 04, 2020 10:49

The question:
4 What’s the most ridiculous way you’ve ever been injured?
One year for Christmas Dave got me a new bike. It had belonged to a wife of a friend of his and had a little trip computer on the handle bars. Right on the screen it said something like: do not stare at it while riding the bike. It was a nice day for December so we (Dave, Johnny and I) took the bike to the Franklin bike trail and of course I was looking at the computer screen to see what it was going to tell me about my ride - MPH, duration of trip, time of day, and flipping through the data. There is a small ridge from the parking lot up on to the bike trail and I wasn't watching and hit that ridge (hadn't even gotten out of the parking lot) and the bike toppled over. The end of the handle bar came across my left hand ring finger when I hit the ground and broke it. I didn't know it was broken - just thought it hurt a lot - so we continued on the ride for a few miles. I did take my wedding ring off right away - I could see it was swelling. That's the last I ever wore the ring. The finger has always been bigger since then and the ring won't fit any other finger.

After writing about the ring I thought I would try and find it. I haven't seen it for awhile. I did find it on my workbench and just now added it to the necklace I wear all the time.

Jan is not feeling well so we aren't hiking today. No hiking at all this week for me - Candy was busy on Monday. Both ukulele and piano lesson this afternoon. I will spend my morning practicing up on those. I've already cleaned the bathroom - good for me - a start on the house cleaning that needs done before the weekend.

wedding ring, 2020 366 questions, broken finger, cleaning

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