best friend question and more prototypes

Jan 14, 2020 08:13

14 Who was your very first best friend? Are you still in contact or communication with them?
I had a few friends in elementary school though I barely remember them now - maybe they weren't best friends - just school friends. Living out in the country I only had the chance to be close to the next door neighbors. They used to live in the house that we live in now. I played with the 3 older ones nearly every day but I still wouldn't have said they were "best friends". After my brother had his accident they faded away as friends (I think they felt uncomfortable with our family after that - or maybe we just became a new sort of people and the old way of being with them didn't match anymore). A new girl moved in a little distance away - walking distance and Diane Fisher became my best friend. Yes, I would say she was that. Her family loved country music. They took me with them many places - in particular I remember shopping for clothes in Meadville with them. I would save my allowance for that. I spent a lot of time at her house and I felt like they welcomed me as one of them. Memories are coming back as I write and I think she had a big collie dog - ha - I have not thought of that for years. She was interested in boys and I become interested in "looking good" for boys too. Trying to be sexy - what we thought was sexy at 12 years old. Her family rented a little cabin at Conneaut Lake Park and I remember walking the dirt roads with her around the park - probably mainly trying to attract boys! We bought 2 piece bathing suits that matched so we could be twins - hers was a blue pattern and mine was red. I remember wearing them to the local pool that summer. She moved away after a couple years and that was that - gone. We didn't keep in contact with each other, though we might have written a couple times it faded away.

I finished 2 more wool purses last night and put them in the washing machine last night to felt. I forgot to take a before picture. It was late when I finished them.

This one has an extra pocket with a flap for a phone. I found a piece of material to photograph the purses on that I think doesn't distract - it is neutral and makes the colors look right.

This was done in Tunisian style. Simple stitch. It ended up being too small for anything but maybe keys and credit cards/money - wouldn't fit a phone. Though I can get a phone in it the phone sticks out the top. I can't wait to get a book I ordered that explains more Tunisian stitches - it should come today. Nothing I have done so far is perfectly what I want it to be to sell. I'm considering all of them prototypes, learning lessons.

Today I have an appointment for a followup with the cancer doctor. It will be 3 years this spring! Time is passing. Though I still have frequent discomfort in that breast - I think it is from the radiation. It feels like inside the breast is itchy and sore - even yet. But I have stopped having a-fib. I do believe now that the a-fib was caused by the radiation - it damaged my heart. But my heart is healing after 3 years, so yay!

2020 366 questions, felted purses, afib, memories, breast cancer

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