Everyday here feels like the weekend. I guess that is what a vacation is. I have been sleeping well. Not getting up at 4 am (and earlier) like I do at home. I think it is cause I am in my own room with the door closed and I have a bathroom attached to the room so if I do need to go to the bathroom in the night I never have to leave my suite - I stay encased in an isolated spot with no demands on me. I had some interesting dreams that I forgot soon after I woke but I think I was processing the Three Billboards movie. It was something that made you think.
This morning I got up late (for me) and Kathy and I hung out in the backyard for a while. A flock of cedar waxwings fluttered in and swarmed a fruit tree in the neighbor's yard. I had never seen them before - or if I had seen them I didn't realize it. It was pretty neat. I always thought they were a large bird but they aren't. Kathy got some really good photos of them. We came in and I read and practiced my flute for a while. Then we all went out for a late breakfast at a place called First Watch. They just serve breakfast and lunch there. I had a garden egg frittata and coffee. Very good. It seems so dumb but I can barely remember what we did next. I think it was more reading and playing the flute (?). Then Kathy and I left to visit one of her favorite nature spots (Palma Sola Gardens) and go grocery shopping.
We sat in a gazebo on a bench swing for a long time just talking. This little lizard caught my eye on the bench across from us.
That's the gazebo we were in seen from across the pond. While we sat in the gazebo we watched a little unidentified grayish bird that flitted back and forth across the pond, a great blue heron and some soft shelled turtles.
Kathy tells me that the common name of this tree is walking palm tree. Neat.
Staghorn ferns.
A fruit of the walking tree.
Saw edge.
Wandering Jew - can you find the little lizard?
On the way home we shopped at Publix and got some fish and broccoli for dinner. Kathy took a rest when we got home so I am sneaking onto her computer to post these photos. Later we might go to the beach to see the sunset...