Next set stones and enameled elements and polish everything back up again. Looking forward to getting these all done today and then I can start listing them one at a time daily.
It was nice to wake up this morning at 8:30 (wow, did we sleep in!) and then discover it is really only 7:30.
I want at some time today to drive to Clarion and give Johnny a birthday hug - his birthday is tomorrow but we are celebrating it later in the month per his wishes - and then I want to take a hike on another part of the North Country Trail that passes through Clarion. A beautiful sunny day today.
I figured out probably what was causing my sad spell last week - the depressed day I mentioned. My friend Berdella left for her winter home in Alabama this weekend and by looking over my old journals I see I always have a sad time at the end of October when she leaves.
Happy Birthday to you tomorrow too, Kathy!