a bunch of stuff...

May 21, 2007 14:53

Step into Chaos
by William Shatner

Yup, this book, the last one, and most of the first one, were 'just a quantum dream' - Shatner's escape from the protagonist-as-Ghod trap. I'm hopeful that this is the last book in the series, but if not I'll probably pick up the next one for future pop-corn reading...

Yes, this book was short. Not quite that short, though. Got in extra reading time because I spent a couple of hours in the ER last night. M-i-L this time - she had a bad fall and whacked her skull into a concrete patio. She's fine, after 9 staples. Interrupted crazieabby and my rummy game (I was pulled away from what looked like a devastating loss...) and scooterbird and DD#2's Volpone rehearsal.

I haven't mentioned Skippy the Flying Car lately - he's still in the shop. His trunk has been replaced, and apparently his exhaust system has as well (this is after being rear-ended at a stoplight at about 5 mph last month)....

DD#2's passport has, apparently, been located and is in 'expedited' status. Calling my congresscritter's office seems to have helped.

scooterbird is down in DC for his second day at the job. No phone reception there, and he won't have connectivity until his background check has come through...

reading jag

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