(no subject)

Feb 13, 2014 15:29

Just finished this year's Erosines . . . er, Valentines. I feel a little sad, because I've been trying to be more of a participant in social media these days. I'd awfully like to take a picture of the heart-shaped cards on my art table in all of their ink and construction paper and rubber cement glory. The front of the cards read "Coyote" and "Tiger" and "Daddy", and not only will that not make sense to anyone but Livejournalers and the three recipients, but there is no place where I'd want people to know such intimate details about me.

I guess I still have a long way to go on this "opening back up to the world" thing. But maybe it's okay that some things are secret. I know that, by the definition of the term, I'm a Switch. I Dominate a lot of the time, but occasionally I need to flop on someone trustworthy and be petted or otherwise allowed to clip a leash on and just relax.

But I stopped calling myself a Switch well over a year ago, and even as Tiger and I get just a tad bit Switchy in our slappy happy funtimes (I'm sorry, Coyote, your phrase for kinky scenes is just too good not to share), I still feel that Domme is the right word for me. After all, it is still entirely my choice when I'm ready to hand off that power. And it's done so rarely.

Yet "bisexual" still feels like the right word for my sexuality, even though I currently go many, many years between even kisses with women.

Labels are funny things, I guess.

Part of getting away from the Switch label is that (thank the Gods) it has completely stopped the flow of disgusting, creepy emails from lonely horny Dominant guys. Most of whom are seriously just looking to get their dicks wet, their "dominance" is an occasional spank or hair pull, it seems to me.

I don't know. I overcompartmentalized my life to a certain extent, and now that the crucial "I will not mix sex with kink, with anyone but my Daddy" wall is down, I guess things are a little unsettled. I have a few submissive women that I'm courting a bit, I guess. Mostly in the "we should be playpartners!" way, but I've given neither my old shpiel about a separation of sex and kink.

Well, now Tiger's here and I'd rather be smooching than journaling. Happy Valentine's Day, everybody! Tell you about my complex one soon.

valentine's day, kink, eros day

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