(no subject)

Mar 05, 2014 09:19

Mmmf. Woke up way too early this morning, went to sleep too late. Went to bed at a reasonable time and was sleepy then, but thinking about the Fetish Fleamarket made me wiggle wide awake. I'm not sure why.

After all of the awful and joy of last year's Flea, I'd spent most of my year convinced I wasn't even going to go. Then I think two months ago, saw that I wasn't presenting and was really bummed, I still love my class ideas. But I can see how they- and me- just won't fit with this year's lineup, so I'm strangely at peace with that.

And for the last however many weeks, I've been of the mindset that yes, I'd be going to the Flea, but I'd be alone for most of the time. First my sub was working at a place where scheduled days off are impossible, then he wasn't working (so every bit of money, including his tax return, needs to be set aside for rent and bills!), then he was working and wasn't getting a schedule (is he working? Isn't he? He must be, all three days of the Flea, that's just my luck), then his boss- a friend of mine, though we've been distant for like a year- asked him what my Flea plans were. "She's got plans all three days." "Okay, you're off all three days."



What. Ye Gods. Really?

So I guess it stands to reason I'd suddenly be superexcited. It's Tiger's first Flea and he gets to do the whole thing, and he can't wait! I should be wary, though. I should feel tired just thinking about the annoyance of carrying a backpack around all day. But then . . . he'd probably carry it most of the time, wouldn't he? And he'd be willing to dash out and get me something I'd forgotten, or food or whatever.

That's so weird to imagine. I've brought service subs to the Flea before, but none that were serving only me. It's not going to be a one-way street, though, he hates crowds and has a keener sense of danger than me. It'll take some real work on my part to keep him feeling calm and safe and make him understand that I'm on guard duty, not him. And I have another friend around who'll also be freaking out at the crowds- if she even comes.

Still, being underslept and mildly cranky three days before the Flea serves noone. I'm gonna nap even if I have to use a big red hammer to knock myself out for it: Coyote's birthday was yesterday, and we're celebrating it today (first time he's let me since the early 2000s) by going to Sakura and nomming delicious Japanese food with some of his good local friends.

I may be that crazy lady who makes a last-minute skirt for the Flea, but I doubt it'll be leather. On the docket for actual things to do today besides nap and have an amazing dinner: write that message I've been putting off, write that Talesinger song/tale I still don't care about, maybe start a project that was supposed to be finished on December 25. >.<

Oo, and then packing! Yay, packing for the Flea. I'm not at the hotel, but Tiger lives like a mile from it, so I still need to pack. And better bring a sleeping bag! He's a blanket-stealer.

New skirts and other trifles can wait. Two more sleeps 'til the Flea. :D

coyote, fetish fleamarket, tiger, birthday, food

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