Going Green, and the Green Going down...,

Nov 04, 2007 23:54

I'm a little concerned on how the 'Going Green' trend is confused on itself...

Well, at least a couple of things bother me. Don't get me wrong, I love this planet. I want to be able to do whatever I can to save it and such- but this is what I'm getting at...

I just watched the end of the Eagles / Cowboys broadcast in which NBC / Universal is having some sort of 'Green week' - Just in time for November sweeps (and yes- I do know this). And on the set, they didnt have the set lights on, and had a couple of candles out on the set...

HOWEVER... the HUGE PLASMA DISPLAYS RIGHT BEHIND THEM were pretty noticeable... I hear those suckers take some good juice... Right?

Also, the Chevron ads, where they are tooting their 'eco-horns' - going Yay us yay us, we are doing geothermal energy, and it's powering 7 million people!!! Yaaay!

Umm.. did I mention those people are in Indonesia? Try getting some of that crap over here there buddy...

Oil companies are attempting to trick the people that they are all happy earth friendly corporations.. Yeah right... However, what they ARE actually doing are being smart because A) Their product is dwindling, B) They can afford to put the$$ in the research with their BILLIONS of annual profits each year, and C) If you distract and advertise what you ARE doing for renewable energy, you trick people into forgetting what you have ALREADY DONE to the environment...

Ehh-- I just don't know. I saw a really neat video about what the '4 actual outcomes' would be with climate change and a nice little logic box. Where basically there are 2 smiley faces, 1 costly expense, and 1 catastrophe... Interesting, right?

Going back to the title of the blog- Green going down....

My Philadelphia Eagles are sucking it up horribly... After this loss they are done for the season... Unless they win out... which wont happen.. because they suck again.

Anyways- Dad, Ham, and I finally coordinated and got his antenna up- the first time it rained a bunch ( I missed a cool beer party too- however I wasnt drinking at that time so I guess it was okay?) , 2nd time it wasnt supposed to rain, and the did 3 times.... I suppose the 3rd time is the charm.

Felt a little lonely tonight for a little bit, but eh- it happens. I did feel that I accomplished a good deal this weekend- both physically (Running again, new clothes and such), mentally, and socially...

To any single available girls:... How you doooin ;-) hahaha

In all seriousness, there are soooo many beautiful ladies out there- some don't remember, some are conceited, and the rest are with somebody (hopefully happily but lets be honest...... ) Bottom line is I don't believe in just one person for everybody- there are just so many combinations and permutations...

The funny thing is- when/if you ever get bored sometime- take a mental adventure if youd ended up with somebody different- or somebody that you know that you havent ended up with yet... Some of the craziest and best dreams I've ever had were 'Alternate Realities' of relationships that 'never happened' or 'could still happen'... Either way- it's a fun escape.

I like to tangent off on random topics, and find or make connections to a totally different one. I think I have an ability to relate or find the connections between 2 totally different ideas and then convey them to others so that they may find understanding.

I'm thinking of shaving off my goatee for a little bit... Because I'm thinking of upgrading the gym membership (it's at $10) to $19 to get the unlimited tanning...

Now that we've 'Fallen Back' - Sunset tomorrow is 4:45... Which just stinks soooo bad... The upgrade would be for 'Heliotherapy'. I've looked at all sorts of light lamps and cost factors and such- and heck the upgrade also allows me a free message chair thingie every day and half price drinks on everything (includes No Fears!!! the 16 oz are like 1.00 after the discount!).

Tomorrow I'm going to have a great run/workout. I'm hoping to be able to put in a full 5k without stopping by Thanksgiving... That's only two and a half weeks- and I had a 'mile of endurance' the other day... Now, I also have 'gellin' insoles so that should help with the foot ouchies- I'm also putting them in my dress shoes, so that should help also... Also looking at upgrading the shooooz..

Anyhow- it's time for bed. I'm going to cross post this onto my other LJ. If you're ever totally bored and want to read about the last 4 or so years of my life, throw a msg and I'll give ya the link :-)


Inspirations: Good times with 'rents
Call tones - totally negative to totally awesome within 1 day.
All the cute girls in the world :-)
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