Long time no post!

Jul 06, 2005 18:12

Hello, everyone!

Wow, I cannot believe how long it has been since I last made an entry. There's a lot to say, a lot of things that you need to be caught up on ... but I won't bore you with all of the little details just at this moment, as I do not have the time or the patience, and (let's face it) who really gives a rat's ass about what I ate for breakfast or how my weekend went?

Well, I am now enjoying Summer Vacation and thereby a two month rest from the tremendous workload of SJR. I have never been so glad that it is summer! I have always loved school, and so Summer was never as big a deal to me as it was to all of the other kids. Now I finally understand what all of the hype was about!

My last term of school what utterly hellish, and filled with many a nervous breakdown. My teachers just PILED work on us, plus I had my ELEVEN extracuriculars to wrap up. It was a depressing three months, and not just for me, but for most people.

To make matters worse, I spent most of May and early June in and out of the hospital. My insomnia has gotten really, really bad ... It has caught up with me mentally, which I think must be one of the worst feelings in the world because it prevents you from thinking, most utterly. (It caught up to me physically about eight months ago and that I could handle, but not this). So for a week before finally going to the hospital my brain was taken over by inertia ... right at the busiest time of year! Blargh. After that I could think, but I still had to miss a lot of school (again, right at the busiest time of year) in order to go to the hospital three times a week for check-ups and tests. Not fun. I've decided that I do not like hospitals.

But now all is better, because I am no longer stressed out about school work, and my insomnia has taken somewhat of a vacation these past two weeks (which is good for both of us, me thinks, because I have been exhausted and I am sure that Insomnia must have been, too, because it has been working damn hard every night for the past year and a half).

I ended of the year with a pretty okay average (84%), which went down since last term's average ... but that's okay, because I'm just glad that I didn't fail after everything that has been going on.

YAY SUMMER!!! I'll make the best of you, yet!
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