Apr 13, 2005 16:17
Yesterday I had a Noon Dismissal (for whatever reason happened to be the reason this time around), so James, Jess, Meriam and I went to Osbourne Village. I had never been (I know, it's a bloddy shame) and Jess had prmised to show me around Osbourne on the day that I took her, Mim, Emily and Lyra to the Exchange District. It was a good time. We went to one of the most awesome candy/gag stores I had ever been in, and Mim bought Red Hot Jaw-Breakers for us all, because she wanted to if "they really sent fire up your hole" like it said on the sign.
None of us had planned this trip out, it just sort of happened .. and so none of us had money aside from James. So he bought everyone lunch (the three of them pretty much had to force food on me, because I refuse to have people pay for me ... a quirk that comes with being the daughter of a proud Italian) at this cafe/restaurant that had paintings of hippy-orgies on the wall. During lunch we discussed our Art Films (I have to make a film for Art class ... I'm incredibly excited) and then discussed why woman cannot resist GuyWhoseNameIWon'tSayInFearOfInflatingHisHeadAndEmbarrassingTheLotOfUs ... which seemed to catch Jamie's attention more than it might have. We then visitied some really coo-ool shops where they sold just about the weirdest things ... and I loved it endlessly, of course.
James had a rugby practise and had to be back at the school by 5:30, so we walked with him to his bus stop. Upon departure he gave me one of his Jamie-hugs, which left me with broken ribs, because that's the way it is. When he put me down he asked me if I was okay and I said, "Yeah, I'll be fine once my vital organs start pumping again," ... but Jess and Mim had heard something along the lines of "Yeah, I just had an orgasm" (what the???). It was then that Jess (for whatever reason happened to be the reason this time around) happened to point out a blister on Jamie's hand that he had gotten in rugby. So, being Jess, she began to yell "STIGMATA!" and then "That means that Jamie is Jesus." ... Mim suddenly stopped laughing and turned to me with the most serious expression on her face. "OhmyGod. That means that you just got molested by Jesus ..."
(I'm sorry if that last bit offened anyone here ... We have nothing against Jesus.)
When James had left Jess, Meriam and I went to Nucci's to buy Apple-flavoured gelati. It made me go Mmmmmm and Yummmm and all those other things. You know. Jess got picked up (thusly Mim and I acted out a dramatic soap-opera-ish departure scene), and Meriam and I headed back to her house. We decided to go to Emily's to ask her if she wanted to watch American Beauty (one of my favourite movies EVER) and we ended up listening to Sedaric's Naked on one of those books-on-cassette tapes. I think I'm in love with that book. My, my. My. So then the three of us went to Mim's to watch the movie. Emily was thoroughly weirded out ... but in the best possible way.
Earlier, at Emily's, Em had been showing us pictures from her trip to France. One of the pictures was a picture of Jim Morrison's grave. The stone read JAMES DOUGLAS MORRISON ... and then we all started to freak out because Jamie's full name is James Douglas Moore.
WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!?!?!? Really. I want to know!
So we decided that James is the second coming of Jim Morrison, and that he must wear leather pants much more often and refer to himself as the Lizard King.