2 things: writing woes and thoughts about a concert

Jan 30, 2017 23:07

Problem: the ficlet I am trying to write is like pulling teeth, and I cannot get the transition from intro to actual plot stuff to work.

Potential solution: toss out the entire thousand words I've already written, jump right to throwing the proverbial monkey wrench into the idyllic afternoon, and watch things play out from there. If any of the scene-setting was really important, I can work it into some dialogue later on.


I am not up to making such drastic revisions tonight, but I think I will get on that tomorrow.


In completely unrelated news, I am thinking of attending a free concert at my church tomorrow night. Rev. Sekou and the Holy Ghost will be performing at 7pm at First Unitarian. I'd miss the first fifteen minutes or so, because of closing the rental office and walking down the hill, but I really want to get out and DO THINGS this year (after spending the past couple years mostly treading water (thanks, depression!)) and this seems like it would be both affirming and challenging in useful ways.

Plus, you know, good music. :)

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grrr argh, writing, ithaca local, how is this my life, unitarian universalist, music

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