pepper update, Monday 1/30/17 (also a narcissus update)

Jan 30, 2017 12:23


1) six narcissus, two peppers (and a spider plant), Monday, 30 January 2017
2) the Lazarus pepper, chilling out

3) Babylon the spider plant, growing new roots

This is going to be my last plant post for a while, since the narcissus have reached the stage where they're just going to look increasingly decrepit (a sad inevitability with flowers) and the Lazarus pepper is not doing anything of note.

When I get and plant a new batch of seeds, I will of course photograph that. :)

Meanwhile, my only active plant project is my slow repotting of my older spider plants. The third picture above is Babylon (one of my big hanging plants) growing new roots for its various components in a giant pool of water. That is going a lot faster than I expected, and I should be ready to return Babylon to actual soil by mid-February.

So, you know, life goes on.

[[original Tumblr post, for when the embedded images inevitably break]]

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adventures in botany, narcissus project: take 2, photographic proof, pepper project: 2016

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