stuff done: Saturday-Sunday

Jan 29, 2017 20:34

1. Texted Susan to reconfirm the details of her gift story, since I forgot to write them down (and therefore forgot them in general).

2. Called Vicky as we'd arranged earlier in the week, but she's kind of swamped right now so we've rescheduled for Wednesday.

3. Attempted to refill my bus pass, but kept getting error messages from the TCAT website. Eventually I realized it was because I hadn't updated my PayPal account (TCAT processes all credit cards through PayPal, for whatever reason -- possibly an added security layer?) after I got a replacement credit card last year. (Out of the blue, Capital One sent me a new card with an accompanying letter to the effect of, "A company you've shopped at has had a hacking incident, so we're preemptively cancelling your old card and giving you this new one instead," which was simultaneously reassuring and disconcerting.) So I deleted the old card, added the new one, and got the transaction to go through. Yay transportation!

4. Baked brownies.

5. Took brownies in to church, where they were much appreciated as coffee hour snacks. :)

I was able to attend today's service, because it was yet another improv drama program session for the middle school and high school youth groups. Today's sermon was by Dr. Sean Eversley Bradwell, on the topic "Reflections on Dr. King's Radical Revolution of Values."

After the service I did coffee hour cleanup, which is my habitual volunteer slot when my hospitality team is running the service. Unusually, I did not spend the entire time at the sink, because another team member claimed that slot (she is older and has mobility issues, so it made sense to give her the stationary post); instead, I ferried used dishes (and the giant coffee urns) from the parlor to the kitchen, wiped down tables, and put away various bits of paraphernalia.

6. Attended a congregational meeting to discuss proposed bylaw changes. The main idea is to bring them into compliance with the way we are actually running the church, so our theory and practice match up again. There are also some ancillary changes, such as taking out extraneous language and switching to singular they instead of he/she -- both because that's an awkward circumlocution, and because of inclusivity issues (we don't want to suggest that we only accept ministers/staff who adhere to a strict gender binary).

The proposed pronoun changes actually got as much discussion as some more substantive policy issues, which probably shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did -- the people in the meeting were almost all over 60, pronouns are a notoriously 'sticky' language feature and as such difficult to change, and it became apparent that a bunch of them hadn't even been aware of singular they's growing acceptance in formal written language -- but did disappoint me a little. I spoke in favor of it, and another person summed the discussion up neatly as 'this change isn't related to the governance issues; it's a separate point on a social issue where we can either lead or lag; and if the congregation as a whole chooses to lag, we can always revisit it later.' Which is true, but I do hope that the actual voting meeting (whenever we get around to it) will skew a bit younger and therefore a bit less reflexively resistant to that idea.

7. Changed linens.

8. Washed laundry. Dried laundry. Folded and put away laundry. Hung other laundry up to air-dry, and will deal with those items tomorrow.

9. Took recycling bins to the curb for pickup.

10. Vacuumed my apartment. I've decided to see if vacuuming in a somewhat slapdash manner makes me less resistant to the chore than doing a really thorough job, and therefore lets me actually keep my apartment cleaner since I'd be vacuuming badly every two to three weeks instead of vacuuming well every two to three months.

(In case you couldn't tell, vacuuming is about my least favorite chore in the universe.)

11. Figured out a plot for my current Cotton Candy Bingo prompt ficlet. It's still not anywhere near finished, but at least now I know where I'm going. :)

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friends, writing, financial stuff, family, everyday life, unitarian universalist

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