stuff done: Monday-Friday

Oct 07, 2016 23:54

1. Photographed my peppers. Posted about them on Tumblr. (Did not crosspost to DW because I ran out of spoons, whoops. I will try to correct that this weekend. Or maybe Monday.) I also chopped up and froze a pepper that was developing a fungal infection -- obviously I cut off and threw away the nasty parts.

2. Finished putting away the laundry I washed on Sunday.

3. Bought some new box wine since I finished my old box.

4. Worked at the rental office Tuesday and Wednesday.

5. Signed up for Yuletide, yay! This year I am requesting fic for The Lions of Al-Rassan (which I have been doing for years, and have yet to be matched on, grr argh), the Darkangel trilogy (repeating last year's prompt about Syllva and Eryka, because yay sisters!), the Saga of the Skolian Empire (because I really want that story about Rocalisa Qox-Skolia, dammit), Daredevil (because I got two awesome stories about the women in Matt's life last year and figured I might try for more!), and Black Jewels (because Karla-has-a-happy-sex-life is apparently now another of my pet perennial prompts that I keep not getting matched on). I narrowed down my offers until I had only fifteen fandoms in my bucket offer (plus the nine other individual offers), which seems reasonable to me.

6. Called Vicky to offer emotional support after some relationship woes. :(

7. Resumed reading and commenting on this year's NFE fics, which I had to bail out of during the anonymous period because depression. I have five still to go, and they take longer each time because of course I read them in reverse wordcount order and leave the longest for last.

8. Bought groceries.

9. Bought gas. Also cleaned the interior of the windshield of my borrowed Camry, because it was getting really smeary.

10. Scheduled a blood donation appointment for next week. Hopefully that will go well!

11. Got my period. Fucking bodies.

12. Took Shadowfall to a local computer/phone/tablet repair shop. This... ended up exchanging one problem for another, I guess? The technician opened up my laptop, reset the connection between the battery and the laptop guts, and closed it up again, after which Shadowfall suddenly recognized that it had a battery. Yay! ...Except the blinking red light is now a solid red light and the battery isn't charging; it's just stuck at 81%. Not so yay.

I dunno, I may just turn it off entirely tomorrow before I head down to NJ and see if that helps at all.

13. Paid my monthly internet bill.

14. Made a batch of hardboiled eggs.

15. Watered my houseplants.

16. Made a packing list for Saturday's trip down to NJ to pick up Dottie, and did some preliminary packing.

17. Rearranged two of my kitchen cupboards to put some things I use frequently (tealight candles and scented wax melts) within easy reach and put some things I only use once or twice a year (trivets and decorative hot pads) up where I need to stand on a chair to reach them, because obviously having them in the opposite places was logistically stupid.

And now it is time for me to go to bed, because I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

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narnia fic exchange, family, yuletide 2016, computers, grrr argh, yuletide, everyday life, liz attempts to cook, decluttering

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