Apparently I forgot to post a notification when I stuck parts 11 and 12 up a while ago. Oops. Anyway, parts 11-14 are now up on AO3. Parts 11, 12, and 14 only have a few very minor changes, but I made heavy tweaks to Kira's relationship advice in part 13, to reflect the fact that he likes and respects Sara as a person.
The Transient and the Eternal: Stop That - Kira takes Setsuna and Sara into the city to forget about their parents' impending divorce. (2,950 words)
The Transient and the Eternal: Touch - Some days Kira feels both more and less human than usual. (300 words)
The Transient and the Eternal: Fever - Kira tries to get drunk, with uncertain results (1,325 words)
The Transient and the Eternal: Bloodlines - Kira tells Kato the truth. This is a mistake. Unethical use of magic. (1,475 words)
General warnings for Angel Sanctuary apply: namely, that the canon is built of WTF and incest (and very pretty art), so please proceed with caution. :)
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