wherein Liz is distracted

May 15, 2012 22:40

Apparently "My parents are visiting tomorrow; I must clean my apartment," translates in my head into "I must pay this month's credit card bills and sort through all the financial document folders in my filing cabinet, plus a random artwork folder."

My brain, ladies and gentlemen. *headdesk*

Okay, it's not quite as random as all that -- I'd been letting stuff collect on my mail table and coffee table for three or four months as long as it wasn't a bill that needed paying, so sorting and filing the backlog (plus recycling two thirds of it, yay!) did count as tidying if not cleaning, but still. I could have been dusting! I need to dust. My mom will make terrible disappointed faces at me over the amount of dust on and around my bookcases.

...At least I got the bathroom cleaned?

(Also, I found a random unfinished pencil sketch in that artwork folder that I think might have been meant as a full-body illustration of Kafunnokaze, from "The Way of the Apartment Manager" and "The Guardian in Spite of Herself" -- I have no other explanation for the number of pockets on the figure's coat, besides which badly scribbled ninja sandals and a headband are involved -- but wow, I have no idea when or why I decided to attempt that.)

((Also also, fuck menstruation. In the nose. With a harpoon. Yeah.))

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random, fandom: naruto, family, everyday life, how is this my life

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