things I may or may not be writing... *shifty eyes*

May 14, 2012 03:25

I have an uncontrollable urge to go do actual research on Pompeii and Herculaneum and stuff before writing the next section of "Trollstuck." Damn this sudden need for vague gestures in the direction of accuracy!


Have a Narutostuck snippet instead:

Narutostuck: Damaged Goods (aka 300 words of what the heck am I doing?)

Officially speaking, the revolution ended when the Sufferer and Lionclaw led their soldiers into the Uchuukage's compound and discovered that the Lady of Space, her enforcer, and several of their most notorious supporters had fled through a secret tunnel rather than stay to confront their enemies. Unofficially, fighting raged on through Hidden Time for another three weeks and even the Sufferer's investiture as Lord of Space and Lionclaw's election as Uchuukage didn't pacify large regions of the country. It wasn't like the revolutionaries didn't need every able-bodied soldier they could lay their hands on -- and Karkat was cynical enough to know how far the definition of "able-bodied" could be pushed in a pinch.

He'd pushed it before, after all. Even combat medics didn't generally recommend heading out to the front lines only a week after breaking out from two years of solitary confinement and torture.

He was, to put it mildly, surprised when he was recalled to Hidden Time and told that as a sub-adult he was going to be stuck on a three-person training team for the foreseeable future. And no, training teamth were not allowed in combat. No, not even if they'd been fighting for monthth and could kill the troll thtaffing the dethk at general headquarterth in half a thecond. No, not even if they ran off and changed their nameth because then they'd be detherterth, you pithbrain, so thit down, shut up, and follow orderth unleth you want to get cashiered out of the army and pothibly branded a reactionary element. Douchewaffle.

(In retrospect, this was not the best way to meet Sollux Captor. Karkat took vindictive pleasure in pointing out to a human slightly higher on the authority ladder that Sollux himself was a sub-adult and therefore logically ought to also be in training rather than handing out orders. Fortunately for both of them, their specialties were too different for them to end up on the same team.)


True facts: in this AU, cherry candy red blood is a known mutation that pops up at least once every ten years or so, no matter how hard the Condesce tried to cull it out of the population. Current theory is that it's somehow caused by chakra use, even though nobody's figured out exactly why.

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fic: naruto, crossover, fandom: homestuck, -narutostuck, fragment, fandom: naruto, fic, fic: homestuck

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