assorted things make a post

May 19, 2021 23:55

Things done today:

1. Another day of the "Ye gods and little fishes can you maybe please ask for leases one at a time? deluge." *flops exhaustedly*

2. Last night I potted my peppers (is it just me or does that sound vaguely dirty? I think it's the alliteration), and this evening I moved them outside. I also sprinkled more detergent on the moss that has infested the porch timbers, and sprayed animal repellent.

I must remember to tell Landlord Dude that he needs to rebuild the porch this fall, once I am done with my container garden for the year.

3. Called my dad and chatted for ~45 minutes because it's nice to catch up. Apparently my childhood congregation is once again embroiled in real estate conundrums. This is deeply unsurprising, because that congregation has been embroiled in a multifaceted slow-motion real estate conundrum since about fifteen years before I was born. (To simplify: the original sanctuary and parish house were built circa 1900, when the congregation was much smaller and cars were not particularly a thing. Since then, the congregation has significantly expanded and also realized that having no parking lot will do nothing but get you into endless fights with A) the neighbors and B) the local city council and zoning board.) So we commiserated about rent and mortgages and church governance woes for a while. (My dad has studiously avoided serving on the Board for decades. (My mom was not so successful and served two terms when I was in high school and college.) Instead he has basically become the institutional memory of the finance committee, which is arguably more responsibility.)

4. Finally finished the damn Murderbot Diaries ficlet I'd been poking at since early/mid April. I'll post it here at a later date, but for now you can read it here: Sense of Self, 1,845 words. It's a very belated response to a Three Sentence Ficathon prompt of Any, any/any, daemon AU.

5. Listened to yesterday's new Sawbones episode. :)


Yesterday I voted in the school board election. Preliminary results have the budget passing, but the board election was tight enough that final results are still pending.

I think there's also a local election coming up in June, but I need to double-check the dates to see if I'll be out of town and will therefore have to acquire an absentee ballot.


And now, to bed, because tomorrow is my 9am-5pm day rather than my usual 10am-6pm schedule, so I need to get up an hour early. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

politics, family, how is this my life, three sentence ficathon, adventures in botany, writing, fandom: murderbot diaries, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, unitarian universalist

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