two weeks late, but I have FINALLY achieved (75% of) the task!

May 21, 2021 23:48

Today, I finally scraped together enough spare time to create my move-out packet source spreadsheet (this mostly involved taking a pre-existing spreadsheet and removing a bunch of extraneous columns and rows, and then adding a few new rows to account for subtenants) and then to mail-merge the move-out direction sheets and the key return envelope labels.

My printer went weird in the middle, which had the unfortunate side-effect of wasting several label sheets (ugh), but I triumphed in the end.

I have also printed out a bunch of security deposit return address forms, which I will need to cut in the morning. I will also need to apply the labels to the envelopes, because I did not have time for that.

Tomorrow I also have to send out at least two leases, as well as show four different people various sample apartments. If possible, I would also like to get started on distributing the move-out packets, because they're kind of time-sensitive.


This is not going to be an especially relaxing day.


In other news, I was able to collect Harrow the Ninth from the library yesterday and I started reading it this afternoon. Thus far it is, as I expected, a head trip. I very much want to know what is going on (aside from Harrow writing Gideon entirely out of her memory for unknown reasons, possibly related to trauma and/or weird experimental necromancy).

And now I think I shall be off to bed, because I slept really oddly last night and kept having frustration dreams about being an obstetrician in training and/or a bus driver for my local high school, which at least twice mashed together into episodes of trying to deliver a baby on a moving school bus. Brains are weird. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

dreams, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, reading

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