nasty disturbing uncomfortable things! make you late for dinner!

Jan 26, 2021 22:32

This evening I had a small adventure -- I lost my car keys at the grocery store after work.

I retraced my steps all around the store. I dumped out my shoulder bag and searched through the contents. (Side note: somehow I have seven pens in there, wtf.) I asked the staff for help and one of them helped me retrace my steps again, looking more thoroughly under shelves and stands.

Finally, when we went back out into the parking lot (in the dark and the slush and the snow) for the second time, I spotted the keys lying in the middle of a parking space, half buried in a ridge of slush.

So everything ended well, but that was twenty minutes of panic I sure did not need at the end of a long and ridiculous day.

(And yes, it did delay my dinner.) If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

badness and woe, everyday life, how is this my life

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