the problem with being reliable is that people start relying on you

Jan 25, 2021 19:39

Every year I say to myself, "It's fine to work two jobs during tax season! It's only four months! You can get through it with a bit of deft time management!"

And every year, the moment my schedule starts going sideways, I shake my fist at past!Liz and curse her in the most vehement words I know.


Here is my Tuesday schedule:

9:30am-12pm - work at the downtown rental office, because Mr. Geniality was advised by his doctor to get another Covid-19 test and won't get the results until tomorrow night, so he'll be out again.

Run home. Clean thermos. Make new tea. Stuff thermos and some kind of leftovers into a bag. (Probably lentil-sausage soup and bread-with-butter, unless I pull myself together and make rice tonight.)

1pm - blood donation appointment at the mall. Fingers crossed my iron levels are high enough!

Leave mall. Get my new health insurance information to grocery store pharmacy. Grab lunch. Head to Not the IRS and eat before I'm on the clock.

3pm-8pm - work at Not the IRS, because I have a theoretical client and Tax Boss doesn't want Office Grandma to close the office on her own. Eat leftovers for dinner during a slow period.

Buy groceries after work?

Come home. Fall into bed.



Anyway, I spent 10am-1:30pm in the Collegetown office today, and then switched to the downtown office because Mr. Geniality was still out sick. Collegetown was also kind of a mess because Miss California did not, in fact, return to work as schedule last week -- she is, surprise surprise, also out sick. *headdesk*


Yeah, I'm going to bed early tonight. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

grrr argh, work: not the irs, everyday life, work: monopoly houses, how is this my life

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