daily update, Sunday June 7

Jun 07, 2020 23:38

I have another rental company take-home project, which I did ~1 hour of work on today before realizing that while I can pull some of the material from our website and some more from our Gmail account, a bunch of the relevant infographics and printouts and whatever exist only on the hard drive of my work computer. So I think Monday's project will be to email all of those to myself, so I will be able to start bashing together some "blog post" things on Tuesday and Wednesday.

What I did today was basically take Aunt Boss's giant list of suggested topics and organize them into coherent themed groups, plus add a couple topic ideas of my own and supplement some of hers with additional sections.

I have also just now thought of yet another topic, which I will mention here so I don't forget it overnight: an explanation of our rental payment schedules, because people are very bad at interpreting that section of their leases even though the language there is, IMHO, pretty darn clear for a legal document.


Other things that happened today:

1. I started the final edits for the Narnia/Naruto crossover. I have fixed the easy bits, but it will take me another few days to figure out what to do about the more structural issues.

2. Local wildlife once again dug up my carrot planters -- and this DESPITE the window screen I had over one of them. I have sprayed animal repellent around my back porch and seeded yet ANOTHER round of carrot seeds. *headdesk*

3. Changed my linens, because I have managed to maintain a pattern of weekend linen changes for 98% of my adult life and I don't plan to break that habit.

4. I decided not to do laundry today because reasons, but I have loaded my dirty clothes and linens into my cart and set out my bag of quarters, so when I get home tomorrow I can just drag everything two blocks over to the laundromat and get started. I find that this pattern of breaking big tasks into a "prep" day and a "task" day is helpful, because otherwise I will often drag my feet about the prep work until it's so late in the day that it's hard to get much of anywhere on the actual task. This way I can take a whole day and do the prep work in little pieces as I think of it, instead of trying to do it all at once on a tight deadline.

5. On a related note, I have set up all the relevant ingredients and cookware necessary to bake brownies tomorrow, because I ate the last of my previous batch this evening. I have decided that of the two brownie mix types my parents gave me, I prefer the dark chocolate to the fudge. This is mildly unfortunate, since they gave me twice as many fudge-type boxes as dark chocolate-type boxes, but eh. They're still brownies and they're still delicious.

6. Took a late afternoon nap because my sleep schedule has started to drift away from anything remotely regular or related to the day-night cycle. You wouldn't think that working three days a week versus four days a week would make such a big difference, but boy howdy does it ever. I will continue trying to wrench myself back into mornings actually being meaningful.

And on that note, I will now go to bed. If you want to comment on this post, you can do so over here on Dreamwidth, where there are currently (

liz talks about personal stuff, depression sucks, adventures in botany, editing, everyday life, adventures in zoology, liz attempts to cook, work: monopoly houses

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