hosting holiday gatherings is tiring even at the low-effort end of the scale

Dec 22, 2019 13:44

This day has too many obligations.

By which I mean I agreed a couple weeks ago to attend (and bring a dish to) Downstairs Neighbor S's holiday potluck dinner. Which is at 5pm. Which means I need to start making my food item (I have decided upon Laddie's hotdish, because it is dead simple and I forgot to buy supplies for anything fancy anyway) by 3:45 at the latest. Which is in two hours.

In the intervening time, I need to finish my laundry (gather it from the laundromat, fold things, put them away), do some general housecleaning (unsure whether I want to dust all the flat surfaces or wash vegetable planters so I can then stack them and stash them out of the way), and also package the batch of veggie sidedish I currently have in my crockpot.

I think I can probably excuse myself from the potluck after an hour, following which I need to... do more housecleaning, probably.

Nick arrives Monday afternoon while I'm at work (I will leave a key in the mailbox for him) and I have no clue what we'll do for dinner. Then we do who knows what on Tuesday morning and afternoon until our parents arrive and we collectively head to the early Christmas Eve service at Sage Chapel. It's at 5:15pm, but we should be there around 4:30pm in order to make sure we get seats and that everything's organized for me to do one of the readings (which I agreed to last week).

Um. That's no longer today, is it? Also at some point in there, I have an overdue library book to finish and return, a Yuletide story to edit (and maybe expand?), and some other writing I'd like to get done. And I need to vacuum at some point. Maybe that's my housecleaning task for this afternoon?

Anyway, I'm going to go deal with laundry now.

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neighbors, family, everyday life, liz attempts to cook, how is this my life, unitarian universalist

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