holiday prep continues

Dec 22, 2019 19:12

With reference to my earlier post:

Laundry is done and everything that isn't still air-dying has been folded and put away. I put new sheets on my bed. I hauled the air mattress out of the closet. I have tidied away some random clutter.

I cleaned all four plastic storage containers that I use as vegetable planters, dried them, and have stacked them neatly in my bathroom.

I took a walk for general mental and physical health purposes, and also to take my daily photo of Cascadilla Creek.

I made Laddie's hotdish and took it over to Downstairs Neighbor S's apartment for the potluck at 5pm. Upstairs Neighbors K and P (and Mini-Upstairs Neighbor S), Diagonal Neighbors T and Z, and Downstairs Neighbor S's daughter were also in attendance. I was sociable until 6:15pm, whereupon I made my farewells and escaped, because I'm not really great at extended socializing. *wry*

Then I cleaned my four tomato pots, plus my three window-box-style planters that had been gathering dust and spiderwebs.

It would be a little weird/rude to vacuum while everyone is next door eating dessert and chatting, so I think instead I will maybe dust all my bookcases and flat surfaces, and then run the dust mop along the ceiling corners and around my kitchen and bathroom floors. I can either vacuum early tomorrow morning, or tomorrow evening when I get home from work. (The main point is to get the vacuuming done before Nick and I inflate the air mattress, because otherwise his bed will be on a dirty carpet and that's just gross and inhospitable, you know?)

I suspect dinner tomorrow will be leftover Laddie's hotdish and veggie sidedish, unless Nick has strong opinions otherwise. Or one of us could have leftover pot roast, I guess? I'm definitely taking the leftover chicken-onion-asparagus stir fry in to work for lunch, though.

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neighbors, everyday life

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