this, that, and the other

Jul 30, 2019 23:41

Things done today:

1. Groceries!

2. Refilled my Celexa prescription. (Note to self: use the online prescription renewal request function at the Family Medicine website about two weeks from now, since this was the last refill on my current prescription.)

3. Bought a bus ticket to NJ. (I am going down on Tuesday to steal a car from my parents, and also to see Susan and do a low-key slightly early celebration for her birthday.)

4. Put away my laundry! \o/

5. Applied to Not the IRS for the 2020 tax season.

6. Phone chat with Nick. :)

7. Attended the first session of a virtual classroom continuing education tax course. (Virtual classrooms are basically like webinars, but more participatory. Session two is Thursday evening. Also I apparently already filled my tax update CE requirement back in January??? I did take a tax update course that month, but I didn't realize it would count for this year's CE. Well, that's a unexpected nice thing!)


In non task-related news, the past several days have been thunderstorm weather but we kept not actually getting the storm that everything was ripe to create. Today the weather finally broke -- quite dramatically around 4pm, and then another bout of rain but with less auditory drama around 8:30pm.

The power lines in front of my house, which run right up against a massive sycamore tree and which came dangerously close to setting that tree on fire around Halloween a year or two ago, made some unnerving noises during the first storm. When I grabbed an umbrella and walked into the street to stare suspiciously at them, though, I couldn't find anything obviously wrong and the noises have not reoccurred, so Downstairs Neighbor S and I decided not to call the fire department or NYSEG. Yet. We'll be keeping an eye out.


And now to bed. :)

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neighbors, family, work: not the irs, depression sucks, weather, friends, ithaca local, everyday life

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