wherein Liz takes a lot of photos, for two unrelated reasons

Aug 01, 2019 23:12

On Monday I left a list of apartments for New Hire 4 (...I really must think of a proper nickname for her; I'm pretty sure she is going to last) to photograph on Tuesday and Wednesday. In retrospect, they were overly ambitious -- I essentially gave her four days of work and asked her to finish them in two days.

She duly finished two days and left me a note listing her progress and which apartments hadn't been quite ready for their photo ops.

So I took the first half of my wildly optimistic Wednesday photo list today, plus a few other apartments I thought might have been finished in the meantime. Tomorrow I will do the second half, plus another handful of apartments that I think Maintenance should be finished with by then.

We take photographs every summer so as to have up-to-date images on our website and our Shutterfly galleries for potential tenants to look at. Sometimes there's no real change from year to year, but it's good advertising to have recent photos... and of course sometimes there are changes, like new furniture, remodeled kitchens and bathrooms, or different views out the windows as Collegetown undergoes yet more new construction.

New Hire 4 has decided that our Shutterfly galleries need to be completely rearranged -- she's absolutely right about that; they're a horrible muddle that I'd been avoiding dealing with because I wasn't sure where to start untangling the mess -- and has taken that on as her pet project. I am happy to let her handle it! Meanwhile, I need to start uploading carefully chosen photos to our own website, which has to be done via our Rent Manager account and that is a finicky pain in the neck. *sigh* But I think I'm going to focus on taking the photos first.

Ugh, and later this month I need to make sure we have enough floor-plan printouts of all our apartments for when we start giving tours. It's not a big deal over the summer, but we go through them like water in September and October.


In non-rental office news, tonight I finished my first online classroom tax course for Not the IRS -- or at least the instruction portions. I can't unlock the test until tomorrow or Saturday, depending on when the attendance record gets officially registered on my profile, but I have the attendance itself in the bag and I participated and stuff. I might even be able to knock off the test tomorrow during a slow period at the rental office. We'll see.

Also I posted more gardening photos over on Tumblr: peppers, tomatoes, and everything else. (As always with Tumblr photo posts, if you click on the images they will enlarge.)

And now to bed. :)

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adventures in botany, work: not the irs, everyday life, work: monopoly houses

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