wherein Liz bemoans the tragic non-existence of a particular story

Jan 09, 2019 00:09

I have already read through... I think 90% of the Raksura fanfic on AO3 (don't talk to me about spoilers; if a book can be ruined by spoilers what's the point of it anyway?) and so far I am extremely disappointed that no one seems to yet have written the one AU I desperately want: namely, what if Sorrow and/or some of Moon's faux-siblings survived a bit longer? Perhaps even up to the start of canon? So instead of this one wandering guy who occasionally has wings, you have a wandering guy with occasional wings plus his couple-three really artsy-craftsy adoptive siblings. They'd be less likely to get mistaken for Fell since the Arbora don't have wings, and a group of people are easier to class as "oh, they're just a different species" than a single loner who trips a lot of "liar" buttons in people's subconscious minds. Also, if Sorrow lived longer, the kids might actually know that they're Raksura, which would give them a better place to start looking for others of their people. (She also might have told them horror stories about the destruction of their colony, which could lead to all kinds of interesting wariness.)

I mean, clearly this would involve making up some basically-OCs and could derail vast swathes of canon if you wanted to go that direction, but still. It's such an obvious split point!


I am not going to write it, goddammit. NOT. Do you hear me?

(But I'm definitely requesting it for Yuletide this year.)

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fandom: books of the raksura, yuletide 2019, liz is thinky, yuletide

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