wherein Liz gets some stuff done on a slow day

Jan 09, 2019 20:55

Things I have done today:

1. Got through some general apartment-tidying, though much still remains
2. Put away laundry
3. Potted a spider-plant baby and put a few others in water to root
4. "Worked" 2-7pm at Not the IRS, where I did three case studies
5. Started reading The Harbors of the Sun
6. Wrote three more 3-sentence ficlets (two Homestuck, one Narnia)
7. Took my compost to the communal bin (must text Landlord Dude to tell him it hasn't been picked up since December)
8. Listened to 2.5 lectures of a Great Courses series on the Black Death

I think I will now eat a few oatmeal raisin cookies while reading a bit more of The Harbors of the Sun, and then fall into bed. Mmm, cookies. Mmm, books. Mmm, bed. :)

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adventures in botany, writing, work: not the irs, housing, everyday life, decluttering, reading

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