a slow but productive day

Jan 08, 2019 10:27

Today is my first day at Not the IRS for 2019...

...and predictably it is dead as a doornail.

I am on my own at the moment, because Office Grandma got trapped at home by a completely iced-over driveway (we had a winter storm last night that hit the perfect conditions to leave a super-slick layer of ice over everything). She sent Grumpy Office Great-Aunt (from the valley office) to unlock the door since I don't have a key, but since then it's been just me. I have fielded two phone calls and that's it.

On the other hand, I took the free time to look over the requirements for getting a Real ID when I renew my driver's license (which I have to do by my birthday), and I have printed all the relevant documents. So I think I'll just walk over to the DMV once I get home this afternoon and get that out of the way.

I have also texted Susan about scheduling for her visit over the 18th-21st, written my to-do lists for the rest of the week, and remembered to bring all my grocery-shopping paraphernalia so as to get my shopping done after work.

And now I think I'm going to go do some case studies, to get back into the swing of things. *wry*


ETA, 7:45pm I have now:

1. Done my weekly grocery shopping
2. Renewed my driver's license and switched it to a Real ID (TM)
3. Washed laundry, dried laundry, folded laundry, put away laundry (except the air-dry items, which for obvious reasons are still air-drying)
4. Started a batch of veggie sidedish, which should be done around 9pm

That is a lot of Things for a single day.

I think tomorrow I'll try cleaning the shower caddy, and maybe doing some general tidying-up of my apartment.

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work: not the irs, everyday life

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