general life update

Jan 03, 2019 13:21

So, it's 2019! And I have had... an eventful few days, I guess, would be the best way to put it.

I drove down to NJ on Sunday, still sick -- I stopped twice en route to buy cheap-ass black tea and a weird rectangular apple "pie" (really more of a strudel if it's anything) from McDonald's because I needed both the liquid and the caffeine -- and fell promptly into bed for a nap prior to dinner.

On Monday I was still feeling rather like warmed-over roadkill -- though at least undead and mobile roadkill rather than roadkill that couldn't even drag itself off the pavement -- so while I made it to the G family's annual New Year's Eve party (which is why I was back in NJ in the first place), I had to beg off and leave early at 9:30pm. Then I sort of napped inconclusively for a bit before I got up and did some last-minute Three Sentence Ficathon fills to try clearing out my brain. That did work and I got to sleep around quarter to midnight.

On Tuesday, my family went out for late breakfast/early brunch at a local diner, after which we collectively did nothing in particular (though Vicky, Mom, and I each took an individual walk at some point) until dinner, which was a roast. This roast went slightly better than last year's attempt, but Mom kind of wants to try again next year just to finally get it right. (Spite is a powerful motivation, I guess!) Then we had champagne cocktails and stayed up probably too late talking about... I don't even remember, just stuff. We have always been good at spinning conversation over meals.

And then I woke up at 6:45am and barfed repeatedly. I had another episode of barfing at 7:15, after which Mom found some gingerale and aspirin and I managed some thin, unsatisfactory sleep until 8:30, at which point I had to get up and get ready to hit the road. (And promptly had not-quite-diarrhea, because what even is my life.) I don't think it was alcohol-related, because I didn't drink more than anyone else at the table. Mom also had not-quite-diarrhea that morning, so our current suspicion is that there might have been something iffy in the salad. *shrug*

Anyway, we got me safely back to Ithaca, where I unpacked and did some general chore stuff and fell into bed. And now I am at work, which is slow, and where I have been spending the day mostly uploading photos to Shutterfly albums, because apparently this is now my life. *wry*

Ah well, one carries on.

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badness and woe, family, how is this my life, medical, travel, friends, everyday life, work: monopoly houses

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