greetings from New Jersey!

May 03, 2018 18:42

The bus left Ithaca about 5 minutes late and arrived in Ridgewood about 15-20 minutes late, but eh, whatever. Mom and Dad have headed in to the city for a New York Philharmonic concert, leaving me alone with Dottie. I have fed her, piddled her, and spent an hour with her on my lap while I finished reading Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee, which I'd started on the bus.

(Without spoilers, yes, it really is that good. And I need to check the sequel out from the library ASAP!)

Tomorrow morning I will meet Susan for breakfast at Bagel Chateau, after which I will find some way to kill 3 or 4 hours until Mom and I go to an Indian buffet in Morristown for lunch. And then it's back to Ithaca, dog in tow. :)

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travel, adventures in dogsitting, family, reading

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