Fandom: Final Fantasy XII Pairing: None Warnings: None Rating: G Summary: Cid hasn't thought enough of what to do about Ffamran, lately. For lassarina. Thank you to feywood for much help with it.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Pairing: Squall/Rinoa, Seifer/Squall Warnings: Angst Rating: PG Summary: Squall has issues with letting people know how he feels. For darkranger.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII Pairing: None Warnings: None Rating: G Summary: The pivot about which everything else swings. For Calliope, the Greek muse of epic poetry. Also posted to the_sandsea.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Pairing: Quistis/Xu, Seifer/Quistis Warnings: Smut Rating: NC17 Summary: Xu wants to make Quistis lose her cool. For over_look.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Pairing: Cloud/Leon Warnings: None Rating: PG13 Summary: Sometimes you just want the company of someone who understands. For key_blade.