A: The Morning After The Night Before

Jul 12, 2012 01:28

Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Main characters: Tony, Pepper, Bruce
Referenced characters: Thor
Pairing: Tony/Bruce/Pepper
Contains: N/a
Rating: G
Summary: Morning rituals between the three of them, and how they make Tony ponder Life, the Universe, and Everything. Or at least, relationships.
Notes: Another one for

Needless to say, Tony is never the first one up on a morning.

If they've both spent the night with him, it's a toss-up between Pepper and Bruce. Whoever is up first has to make coffee, but to Tony's bewilderment they seem to actually vie for being the one who actually physically goes in search of coffee while he sticks his head under the pillow and leaves them to it. Especially if he was drinking the night before: he really can't imagine why.

He never thought of Pepper and Bruce together, until he did, but once he did, it made a lot of sense -- of course it did: he's a genius. But really, Bruce is actually considerate, and capable of remembering that Pepper is allergic to strawberries; Pepper is good enough at swallowing the absurd things he does that the fact Bruce sometimes turns into an enormous green rage monster doesn't even make her blink. And they can both be so totally boringly amazingly normal, and sometimes they make him feel like he could manage normal, too. (As normal as you can get when you have an arc reactor in your chest, one of your best friends is a Norse god, and you earn more money than anyone else in the world has ever seen in a day. And you're a genius, of course, but that's starting to seem normal, too, around Bruce.)

Pepper hogs the covers, and Bruce hogs the pillows. Pepper likes to fall asleep cuddling, but to wake up cocooned comfortably on her own side of the bed; Bruce likes to fall asleep on his own, but in the night he'll gravitate to Tony, flinging an arm over his chest and snoring in a way that Tony has to try really hard, nowadays, to find annoying.

They're obscenely settled, and Tony gets all the rules, which should frighten him. He never knows all the rules, not with people. He never gets that close without scaring people away.

But then, Pepper is one scary lady, and, well, green rage monster. He wouldn't dare try to scare them off.

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth. I would prefer people to comment and subscribe to me there, if you already have an account; I'll happily share Dreamwidth invites, if you want to make an account. Comments aren't disabled here on LJ, though.

tony/bruce/pepper, avengers, shortfic, pepper, bruce, tony stark

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