A: Sweet Surrender

Jul 11, 2012 00:32

Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Main characters: Steve, Thor
Referenced characters: N/a
Pairing: Steve/Thor
Contains: N/a
Rating: PG13
Summary: Steve has been trying so hard not to want this.
Notes: For

It shouldn't get him hot. Steve knows that, but under the press of Thor's body, with the rumble of Thor's laughter shaking through him, he can't help it. He catches his breath, feeling the aches in his body as something welcome; he's outmatched, and that's alright.

"Steve," Thor says, starting to pull away, "are you well?"

"Fine," Steve says, aware that he's still breathing faster, aware that when he turns --

"There's no shame in it, you know -- " and for a moment Steve thinks, dizzily, that Thor has realised without even needing to see, that -- "in being beaten," and Steve can't decide whether that's a relief or not. He turns, leans against the wall, keeps his eyes on Thor's to give him no reason to look elsewhere.

"They teach you that in Asgard?"

"No, here."

"How many times in your life have you been beaten?"

"Not many." Thor laughs, the same booming laugh as always, and Steve hates to imagine even for a moment that this world could take that away -- but he's seen, after fights, the grim look creeping over Thor as surely as it does over the rest of them, the bone-deep tiredness, the feeling of futility. "But I know that you have."

"Heard about my life before the serum, huh?"

"I watched a..." Thor pauses, finding the word, "documentary."

Steve shouldn't still want him. He shouldn't. But he does, and he has for a while, and the burning tension isn't going to let up. And Thor isn't going to go anywhere -- nowhere he can't return from, anyway.

Morals are different here, in the twenty-first century, and this place isn't home for either of them. Maybe -- Steve pushes himself forward before he can stop himself, catches Thor's shoulders, presses into him -- and Thor meets his hungry mouth with his own, gentler than Steve, like he was expecting this all along. Steve's kiss is almost angry, his body tight with the strain of fighting this for however long, but it softens when Thor's hands take hold of his hips, his fingers digging in. The pressure draws the tension out.

"I thought -- "

Steve doesn't want to know, right now, what Thor thought. He wants Thor's mouth against his again, Thor's body against his. He doesn't want Thor to be thinking at all, and he certainly doesn't want any room for thoughts himself. His hands tangle in Thor's hair and pull him down again, and he bites at Thor's lip on impulse. There's a hot exhale against his mouth and then Thor is kissing him again, crowding him back against the wall with a rough shove, and this is -- Steve has wanted this, this carelessness, this ease, and it's only now he realises how careful he has to be with ordinary people, only now he knows why Thor fills him with such tension --

Thor bites down on his lip, hands rough on his body and Steve -- Steve surrenders, because he can, because neither of them can hurt each other, because this is safe.

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth. I would prefer people to comment and subscribe to me there, if you already have an account; I'll happily share Dreamwidth invites, if you want to make an account. Comments aren't disabled here on LJ, though.

thor, avengers, shortfic, steve, steve/thor

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