A: Take Your Time (But Not Too Slowly)

Jun 19, 2012 21:46

Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Main characters: Steve, Tony
Referenced characters: Phil, Peggy
Pairing: Steve/Tony (past Steve/Peggy)
Contains: AU, genderswitch (always-a-girl!Steve, i.e. Steph)
Rating: G
Summary: Steph is not stupid, okay?
Notes: And here's the flip-side: Stephanie Rogers.

Stephanie Rogers is not, despite seventy years in the ice, an idiot. People who treat her as one kind of display their own lack of intelligence in doing so, but Steph is too nice to tell them that -- but she is not, whatever anyone says, too nice to think it. She's Captain America, not some shrinking violet: she's fought in pitched battle, she's seen tanks and guns that vaporise people and a man who wasn't a man anymore but something horrific, and that's just before she put herself in the ice. She's flown on a helicarrier and fights alongside a guy in a dazzlingly engineered metal suit.

She is not going to freak out over a radio, or a car, or -- well, you get the drift.

She's not a total idiot in other matters, either. Okay, she hadn't known anything about why Peggy Carter looked at her that way, but she caught on quickly enough when Peggy kissed her. She knew from the first time Coulson set eyes on her (awake) that he was smitten with her. So she really, really doesn't get what Tony's problem is, and for a genius, he's sure having a lot of trouble figuring out that she's interested too.

Steph Rogers is a fan of being direct and honest.

Tony is looking at her with ridiculously wide eyes. "You just kissed me."

"Yes," she agrees, more or less patiently, "I did."

"But you're -- "

Steph raises an eyebrow. Tony stops and visibly takes a couple of seconds to recalibrate.

"You know I'm not exactly the poster boy for forties values, right?"

"Tony," she says, in a tone that might be sort of warning, and he shakes his head.

"Right, right, not stupid. So -- "

"Tony," she says again, "come and kiss me."

She is not fragile. She is not an idiot. She's seen Tony eating her up with his eyes ever since they first met, and she's not immune to the feelings that stirs in her. And since Peggy -- well, Steph doesn't see any point in being coy about it, taking your time, because that didn't exactly work out for her last time.

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth. I would prefer people to comment and subscribe to me there, if you already have an account; I'll happily share Dreamwidth invites, if you want to make an account. Comments aren't disabled here on LJ, though.

au, avengers, steve, steve/tony, genderswitch, tony stark

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