A: Having Cake (And Eating It Too)

Jun 18, 2012 20:48

Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Main characters: Steve, Tony
Referenced characters: N/a
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Contains: AU, genderswitch (always-a-girl!Tony), sex
Rating: R
Summary: Tony isn't used to pining over anyone, ever.
Notes: Continuing our new favourite theme of exploring what characters would be like had they been born as the opposite gender, now we have girl!Tony to play with. And
feywood's feeling crappy due to backache, so this is to make her smile.

Antonia Stark isn't used to pining over anyone. She doesn't. It's not like she wants other people to pine over her -- that's fine if they want to, but she couldn't give less of a shit -- but she's so not used to being the one hopelessly pining. Normally she gets what she wants and then it's out of her system: a new gadget to play with, a new car to drive fast, a new boyfriend to ride all night -- she gets tired of them in the end.

But she isn't getting tired of Steve Rogers, and she's pretty sure she wouldn't even if she could have him. Which she can't.

(This does not stop her trying.)


Tony Stark isn't used to thoughts of guys getting in the way of working on her suit. She isn't used to anything getting in the way of her work, period. But here she is, half an hour into dismantling her right gauntlet, and all she can think about is that hair, those eyes, that little smile. That leather jacket.

If she could have him right here -- push him down in that chair, maybe, and sit down on his cock -- she doesn't even think that'd get it out of her system.

(That wouldn't stop her trying if she had the opportunity to test the theory.)


Apparently, she can have Steve. She can have all of Steve (and there's a lot of him to have, and she's not just talking about his cock, though fuck, yeah, there's plenty of that -- but the rest of him is just edible, too, and it's all for her, it seems). She can have Steve in her bed on a morning and Steve with bedhair and Steve's amazing refractory period and the way he sounds when he comes inside her.

Antonia Stark has always had whatever she wanted. Forever with Steve Rogers is probably too much to ask, though.

(Doesn't mean she's not going to try for it anyway.)

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth. I would prefer people to comment and subscribe to me there, if you already have an account; I'll happily share Dreamwidth invites, if you want to make an account. Comments aren't disabled here on LJ, though.

au, avengers, steve, steve/tony, sex, genderswitch, tony stark

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