A: Silence is Golden

Jun 03, 2012 01:15

Fandom: Avengers (2012)
Main characters: Steve, Tony
Referenced characters: N/a
Pairing: Steve/Tony
Contains: Sap, references to sex
Rating: PG13
Summary: It's been a long time since Tony ever stopped.
Notes: Avengers fandom has swallowed me whole, you guys. I am mainlining all the films, and I've seen the new film three times already. This has absolutely no plot, so if you're avoiding spoilers or disapprove of the movie, it should still be okay by you.

"Wow," Tony says, and surprisingly, that's all. Steve's mouthing at his neck, with a hint of teeth, and that's really really good, and Steve is heavy on top of him and still inside him, and even Steve's out of breath, and Tony cannot think of anything else to say. The whirling storm that is his mind came up against Steve and... stopped. Steve had held him -- not held him down, just held him, and he moved so slowly; not to tease, but because he's Steve and he wanted Tony to know, he wanted Tony to know how he --

"Stop thinking," Steve says, and presses his lips to the spot just under Tony's ear that might as well be an off button. Tony closes his eyes. There's a lot he should be saying, as his brain slowly comes back online, like he should be telling Steve that they can't make a habit of this, and that it's not a big deal, and he won't tell anyone, and -- "Seriously," Steve says. "Stop it."

"It's a bit of a hard habit to break," Tony says, but half-heartedly, because Steve is holding him. Is it really -- can Steve really, this is Steve after all, the world's greatest man, and okay Tony's smart and he's got money and class and everything else, but he's not -- there's no way that Steve can --

"I love you," Steve says softly, nuzzles into that spot below his ear. He pulls out of him but stays close, and Tony... Tony doesn't think anything except wow.

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth. I would prefer people to comment and subscribe to me there, if you already have an account; I'll happily share Dreamwidth invites, if you want to make an account. Comments aren't disabled here on LJ, though.

avengers, steve, steve/tony, sap, tony stark

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