I got a bit of a new hobby.
I was looking at wands online the other week, just out of curiosity to see the design and paterns used on them and I noticed the price. Bits of turned wood go for up to $ 99!! That's rediculous. Then I got the idea to try and make one myself. I didn't have the right tools but I asked my brother to bring his Dremel tool (mini electric drill with milling bits) and then I went to look for some good wood to use. Luckily we have a willow tree in our back yard (a corkscrew willow) that needs its branches removed so I found some good pieces to make wands from.
And then I set to work. The first wand I made is 30 cm long and has the Dark Mark on it. I found it reasonable easy to do. It took me half a day to carve the patern out, a full day to complete the wand. It's lovely to the touch. I coated it with 4 layers of lacker and polished it so it looks like it's very old. I actually found these wands have characters. The first one was a bit of a negative one. Maybe because I dumped some frustration in it but 3 bad things happened around me the day I made it. So I gave it a positive core to balance it out. I put a bit of parchment in the core with positive rune symbols on it plus a feather. Then I sealed the hole with wax (the kind of sealing wax they use for old fashioned letters). That seemed to do the trick coz the wand is nutral in temprament now.
Yesterday I finished my second wand. It's inspired by Hermione's wand. It's got branches and leaves all over it but I made it darker then her wand. I like the old look. This one looks great and feels even better. It's lovely just to hold these wands in your hand. They're very tacktile objects. They're quite crudely made. I like them to be a bit rough so you can really see that they're handmade. I noticed the ones in the films are also all crooked and bent and certainly not symmetrical. That's how mine look too.
Anyway here's some pictures of the 2 I made so far. I already have the wood for number 3 but I'm still thinking about the patern.
Oh and if you think, after reading this, I've gone all mental, believing in magic and such. Well, no off course not. But making these objects is a form of meditation for me and as such they gain an emotional value and meaning to me and that's where the magic is for me. These are unique objects and I do believe they have some sort of power, even if it's just suggestive.
Click on the images to see them full size otherwise the edges are cut off.