Breakeven Part 2

Sep 17, 2012 20:35

Title: Breakeven
Author: eddiessofa
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/ Phil Coulson, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers
Movieverse/Comics/AU: Movieverse and Hurt Locker crossover
Summary: After the events of the Avengers Clint is having a hard time coping. He decides he needs to get away. 
Rating: definitely mature
Warnings: language, mentions of torture, some violence.
Word count:
Spoilers: For the Avengers
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

A/N: This plays with the timeline a little bit. I know the Hurt Locker was set for 2004 but for the purpose of the fic, I moved it to modern day. This fic doesn't actually contain a whole lot of C/C yet but the sequel will. This story it more about Clint leaving and the team rebuilding around that.


2 Years Later

“Agent Coulson, thank you for meeting with me.”

“Ms. Ramirez, please sit. Director Fury has already briefed me that I am to give you anything you need.” Coulson motioned to a chair and she sat.

“He did say he would be speaking with you,” Tammi Ramirez smiled and tired to look non-threatening.

“So, what can I do for you?”

“I need the Avengers to go to Universal Studios.”

“That theme park?”


“May I ask why?”

“It would seem that the public feels the Avengers are a bit blood thirsty.”

Agent Coulson sighed. “And you think going to play with a mouse will help?”

“Oh no. Disney doesn't poll well with the 15-30 year olds. Universal is the theme park for the young adult and they have Super Hero Island. Great photo op.” Ms. Ramirez sounded thrilled.

“Just so I'm sure I understand this correctly, you want me to put Thor, Stark and Dr. Banner on a roller coaster for a photo op?”

“Director Fury mentioned Ms. Widow and of course the Captain would be there too.” Ms. Ramirez smiled again.

Three weeks later the Avengers including Phil were on a private Stark jet to Orlando.

“We should be landing at OIA in 10 minutes. Then we will be taking a helicopter to the park. Lets try not to ruin any child's dreams or Universal's property,” Phil said as the plane prepared for decent.

“Agent is there a reason we have to do this? I'm the owner of a company, I have-”

“Stark,” Phil interrupted. “Save it. If you hadn't told Fox News to fuck themselves up the goat ass, your words. I wouldn't be dealing with this.”

“Hey they were being homophobic assholes and I maintain-”

“Tony. This will be fun. I've never been to a real theme park. I hear the roller coasters here are even better than Coney Island's,” Steve broke in and all the rest of the fight melted out of Tony.

The five Avengers plus their handler tended to turn heads and even if they were all out of costume; they were by far the best dressed tourists in the park. Phil and Tony were in suits, Bruce and Steve were slightly more casual with khakis and button downs. Natasha blended in perfectly and it was all they could do to keep Thor out of battle dress.

They were led into the park via the back entrance at Harry Potter.

“Who is this Dark Lord that we may battle and defeat him. Let us not leave war to children.” Thor boomed out at the end of the Forbidden Journey.

“No, its a story. There is no wizarding world,” Tony said as Natasha sushed him.

“Tony! There are kids here. Don't say that.”

“Are you saying young warrior Harry is a mere fable?” Thor asked loudly.

“Can we discuss this later? The last thing I need P.R. Getting a photo of Stark making muggles cry. Thor lets get you a Butterbeer,” Phil said easing the group towards the Three Broomsticks.

Steve ended up drinking six of them after the others declared them too sweet. Thor had to be physically dragged out of Honeydukes and Zonkos while he praised the great wizarding minds who made the magic treats. Natasha was chosen at Ollivander's for a wand presentation and instead of refusing she purchased her wand. An eyebrow raise silenced everyone but Tony. She informed him of the first five ways she could kill him with the wand off the top of her head.

The group worked their way through to Jurassic Park, Steve marveled while Tony and Bruce discussed the logistics of making it a reality. Tony seemed sure he could secure some mosquitoes. Phil declined to get on any of the water rides at Toon Lagoon and the whole group looked like drowned rats coming off Popeye's barge but they were all laughing.

“You rocked the boat to get me under the falls Rogers! Admit it.” Tony asserted and pointed a finger.

“Maybe your ego just weighed down the boat,” Bruce snarked.

Then they were all laughing again. Phil eve thought he heard Steve whisper to Tony that maybe he just liked they way he looked wet. Tony actually blushed.

Things only went bad when they got to Superhero Island.

“Parker has a ride? Parker?” Tony exclaimed.

“Tony it doesn't matter,” Steve whispered back. “Lower your voice.”

“Easy for you to say, you got a restaurant but freakin' Parker?”

“Peter is a good kid, let it go.” Bruce said, patting him on the back.

“Look Doom has one too,” Natasha said with a smile.

“What is this Isle of Superheros that is tainted thusly with Doom's terror. Come Avengers we will conquer this evil and expel it,” Thor proclaimed before walking briskly toward Doom's Fearfall.

“No, Thor. It's a ride. Admittdly ill named,” Phil said stepping in front of the god. “Let's go ride a coaster.”

As they approached the coaster Tony exclaimed, “Oh this is just bullshit. The X-men get a ride! Fucking Cyclops is in the parade, fucking Summers.”

“Tony, its a glorified tea cups ride.”

“Thank you Natasha,” Steve said rubbing circles into Tony's back.

“Still it'd be nice to have some representation. Bruce got a ride,” Tony muttered.

“Yes, it's just lovely that the most traumatizing event of my life has been turned into an amusement ride for sweaty tourists,” Bruce deadpanned.

“Well, you are all in the parade,” Phil interjected trying to cheer up Tony. “It should be starting soon.”

A few minutes later Steve was the one to complain, “What the heck is their Captain holding my shield looks nothing like that!”

“See.” Tony said with triumph.

The photo op Ms. Ramirez was hoping for would have to wait. Although Phil's favorite photo of the day might have been Natasha staring down the costumed Black Widow.

The team made it through Seuss Landing with out complaints. Thor loved the Cat in the Hat ride, although there was the confusion about traditional Midgardian baby sitters. Tony compared Phil to the fish which made him Thing 2, because the Thing was already taken, to Phil for the rest of the day. At the stop by the Lorax Steve expressed interest in planting more trees, concerned with today's waste and apparent apathy for future generations.

Natasha froze when she saw the Grinch but Phil took her arm and led her out toward the back entrance of Universal's other park. Later he informed Steve that she had a tradition with Clint to watch the old animated movie on Christmas. If Tony complained a bit too loudly at the RockIt roller coaster’s poor engineering until she smiled, no one said a word.

There was a small incident at Twister when Thor decided to show everyone what a real act of god was and put the fake twister to shame. Unfortunately lightening wasn't meant to be indoors. Phil complained loudly about Back to the Future being replaced with the Simpsons and Steve agreed that the young children on the show were especially crude.

At the Men in Black ride Natasha wiped the floor with them and set the record high score. Tony asked Phil if Agent Kay was his role model. Bruce, to everyone's surprise, almost went green when he found out the removed Jaws.

“It was a classic ride.”

“I know buddy,” Tony said with sympathy.

“To replace it just to make another entrance to Potter world, which no one will care about in 10 years. Jaws was a theatrical master piece and the ride was iconic. Iconic!”

Phil wisely steered them away from Disaster! Thor rode the Mummy coaster with Steve four times before they moved on and he only tried to save Brendan Fraser the first time.

The visit ended before they got to Shrek and Despicable Me because Phil felt they might damage young minds. Thor hadn't really understood celebrating the villain and he wasn't going to have that fight in front of kids. Universal thanked them for the visit and slipped a nicely worded trespass warning to Phil as they left.


3 Years Later

Phil Coulson was normally prepared for everything, every situation, every hypothetical. However the Stark/Rogers wedding was testing him, especially his speech. When Steve had asked him to officiate Phil had been flattered and honored. He'd been putting off writing the speech for awhile now the day was here and he still didn't have the words right.

Getting up and giving a speech on forever love wasn't something he was sure he was prepared for or ever would be. It's been three years since Clint was lost and it still hurt. He couldn't believe Clint had missed all of this, that he would miss Tony and Steve marrying or hell Tony settling down.

“You should be here,” He muttered to himself.

“He should be,” Natasha answered and stepped out of nothing.


“He's not though. And today isn't about you or me or Clint. It's about our two friends who are in love and getting married. Tony had a childhood of everyone looking for someone they lost, he deserves today,” Natasha said in a matter of a fact voice.

Phil would think it cruel if he didn't know what it cost her to say it. He also knew she was right. He was happy for Tony and Steve, normally he didn't let any of it get to him. He missed Clint but it was more of an old ache now than a fresh wound.

“Of course,” Phil nodded. “You look lovely, Tasha.”

“Thank you. We're almost ready to start, are you still working on what to say?”

“It's been difficult.”

“Phil, I don't think I've ever, I'll help.”

After a few minuter Pepper poked her head in, “Guys we're ready to go.”

Phil stood at the end of the aisle with Steve and Tony in front of him. Pepper and Rhodey stood up with Tony, Thor and Natasha stood on the other side of Steve. Bruce decided he would rather not be front and center.

“Friends, family, superheros thank you for joining Steve Rogers and Tony Stark to witness a once in a life time event. I've known these two men for three wonderful years. I've seen them fight together and for each other. I've also seen them argue, bend to the point of breaking and then mend, stronger than before. If any two people deserve to find love its you and now that you have, cherish it. Hold fast to each other and I know you will weather any storm.

Phil smiled at Tony and Steve's blush, “Tony and Steve, please face each other.”

“ Tony, are you ready to enter into this marriage with Steve, believing the love you share and your faith in each other will endure all things?”

“I am.” And Phil ignored how choked Tony sounded.


“I am.”

Phil looked out into the crowd. “We have been called together as witnesses to the happiness that this couple has found together, and to the pledges they will make to each other for the mutual service of their common life.

Do you, representing the [families, friends, community] now offer your blessing and support for this couple, and wish them the best of lives together?

If so, say "WE DO".”

A loud chorus of “We Do”s was shouted back at him.


Tony cleared his throat, “Steve, I never thought I would find anyone who could love me they way you do or understand me. You lead me into battle and you bring me home. You make sure I eat if I'm in the lab and you give the best -”

“Tony!” Steve whispered, blushing.

“You give the best support.” The whole room laughed. “I vow to love you until my heart stops and then even after when the arc reactor kicks back on. I will protect you with all that I am and I will let you protect me. I will submit to your better judgment when I'm sick and I will figure out a way to live forever so you never have to be alone again.”

Phil couldn't help but smile at the look of love and adoration on Steve's face. Tony was blushing and Phil knew he wasn't the most comfortable with public displays of affection.

“Steve,” Phil prompted gently.

“Tony, when I first met you I accused you of being nothing more than a man in a suit. The past few years I've had the privilege of getting to know you, I realize I've never been more wrong. You really are a genius, a philanthropist and a billionaire. As long as you limit the playboy to just me than you have me, body and soul for all time. Dr. Erskine told me once that before he fled Germany that he'd been in love with a Jewish woman and she taught him the Hebrew word for forever. It translate to until the history of all worlds is forgotten. I promise to love you, protect you, feed you, male you sleep 4 hours in every 24. I vow to fight beside you and cherish you until the history of all worlds is forgotten.”

Phil smirked when Tony started to lean forward for a kiss. “Tony, what token do you give that you will perform your vows?”

Tony turned to Pepper and picked up a metal ring.

“Steve, this ring is made of vibranium, it's the same metal as the core that powers my heart. I give this to you as a pledge of my constant faith and love.”

Phil waited as Tony placed the ring on Steve's finger. “Steve, what token do you give that you will perform your vows?”

“Tony, I couldn't create a whole new metal but this ring has been with me a long time. It was my father's and his marriage with my mother was full of love. I kept this ring with me through the transformation, through the war and through the ice. Like me its not flashy and it has wear but its strong and reliable. I give this to you as a pledge of my love and devotion.”

When Steve slid the ring on, only Steve and Phil could hear Tony's murmured, “Gold, my favorite.”

Phil took a deep breath to speak again.

“Here in the space between you both,
lies all the future
of the fragment of the universe
which is your own.
May every blessing and grace be yours,
as your lives are now bound in each other's keeping

Now you will feel not the rain, for each will shelter the other.
Now you will feel not cold, for each will warm the other.
Now you will feel not solitude, for each will company other.
Now you are two persons, but both will lead one life.
And may your days be good and long upon the earth.”

“Now by the power vested in me by the Stat of New York, I now pronounce you married. Go ahead and kiss.”

Tony and Steve fell into the kiss with a chuckle. The guests let out a loud cheer. Tony pulled back and turned to the crowd, “Reception will be at the tower in 30.”

Phil can't help but feel happy for his friends. They both looked so filled and both deserved to have found this. His heart still ached for Clint, for his own happy ending but right now he wanted to get to the reception because Thor would be giving a speech.


4 Years Later

Tony Stark was not having a good day, apparently certain parts just weren't made anymore and no amount of money could make them come back into production; even when he tried to buy an old factory and out it back in business. He was on the phone trying to at least get blue prints because somethings weren't online, he'd checked, when Pepper walked in.


Tony covered the phone, “Hey Pep, just a sec.”

“This is important.”

Tony nodded and turned away before speaking into the phone. -Yes, still here. Well of course I want them. Can you just scan them and e-mail it?-


He held up a finger to say “One moment” and was Pepper always this dense? He was busy.

-Do I have a fax? No one has a fax.-

“Tony really.”

“Just a sec, Pep I swear.”

-Do you think I called you 'Pep'?- Tony paused. -No, sir. I'm sorry. Can I have a courier pick them up?-

He paused again.

-Awesome, thank you.- Tony hung up the phone.

“Watcha need?” He asked and tried not to sound annoyed at the interruption.

“Do you know what day it is?”

“Yeah, it's Wednesday. Why?” Because didn't Pepper have a day planner for this? He was busy.

“I ask because you tend to forget how long you're down here and -”

Tony waved her off, “Steve makes sure I sleep and eat. No worries.”

Pepper looked nervous. For a moment it looked like she wanted to break up with him. Which was insane because they'd only dated like 2 months four years ago.

“Speaking of Steve, how are you two? Any plans for the weekend?” Again she sounded anxious, the way her voice rose at the end. Tony did not have time for this.

“Think so, Steve said he had a thing planned. I'm going. Why? Do I need to sign some stuff?”

“Don't you think you should know?” Pepper sounded angry now.

“He didn't give me details. Pep, I'm busy. You can harass me later.” Tony scooted her toward the door of the lab and let the door fall shut.

He only got about two more hours of work in before Rhodey tried to video conference him. He flat out denied the request because the messenger just came in with the blue prints and he was pretty sure he could fix things.

It was another hour before he was on the phone again with an old bitch that Steve would probably love and be loved in return.

-I know this is the historic society and your exhibit is not for sale. You told me. I'm asking if I can borrow it.-

Tony looked up as the lab door opened.

-I know that you only loan it out to organizations. I made one just for this. Please?-

Phil walked up to the bench and took a seat next to him. Tony figured it was the only clear spot in the lab, Phil would know something like that. The only spot with out grease, guy probably had dirt radar.

-Thank you so much. You're an angel. I'll send a courier.- Huh. Maybe he should hire a full time courier.

Phil waited until he had hung up and looked at him before he spoke, “You plan to stay in the lab all week?”

“No plans to. Just finishing up somethings,” Tony answered and could this day get weirder?

“Good. So, you kept this weekend free?”

“Umm yeah. I think Steve has some plans.”

“Captain Rogers asked me to put the X-men on stand by for this weekend,” Phil said. He kept looking expectantly, like Tony was missing something.

“Thats good I guess.” Because what did Phil want him to say? Sorry for the inconvenience? He wasn't, they deserved this time off.

“I want you to know that Steve is very excited about this.”

“I know. Can I help you with something?” What the fuck? He knew his husband.

“Just dropped in to make sure you knew about this weekend,” Phil said but this time there was an apology in his voice.

“Thanks,” Tony replied and turned back to his work. Phil was watching out for Steve and he couldn't fault him for it.

After another awkward conversation with Natasha and three stops from the courier, man he had to get one of those, Tony was done.

“Jarvis, could you ask Steve to come down here?”

“Yes, sir.”

Three minutes later Steve walked into the workshop. Tony was still a little amazed that he got to kiss and touch all that perfection. That someone as sweet and good as Steve loved him.

“Hey, Jarvis said you wanted to see me.”

“Yeah. I know you made plans for this weekend so I thought I could give my gift early. Speaking of, do you know why everyone was down here being weird about this weekend?”

Steve actually blushed and rubbed his neck, “ Yeah Pepper and everyone were worried you'd forget. I'm sorry.”

“Our anniversary? Never,” Tony laughed because it was something he'd do but this was important and he wanted to celebrate it as much as Steve.

“I knew you wouldn't. They didn't mean to offend you, they were trying to help.”

Tony nodded. He knew that and he also had missed too many important things working in his lab to really take offense.

“I want you to know I restored this myself using ancient blue prints because people in the 30's didn't have the internet and no one bothered scanning them.”

Tony walked Steve over to his bench where the gift was hidden under a blanket.

“Sorry, no bow and it was hard to wrap.”

Steve smiled, “I'm sure its real swell.”

Tony watched as Steve removed the blanket and revealed the old projector.

“I restored it and I got some films from the 30s. I can't keep all of them but the New York historical Film Society was kind enough to loan the Maria Stark Film Appreciation Society City Lights and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington but we totally get to keep The Wizard of Oz, King Kong, Gone with the Wind, and Frankenstein. I know you think everything had better character on 35mm.

Steve smiled impossibly wider, “Tony, this is. Wow, I love it. I spent a summer working at a theater and we had a projector just like this one.”

“You actually had that one. I remember you telling me about it, you looked so happy. I wanted to get you some tech that you were comfortable with.”

Steve leaned over and kissed him. It was chaste but Tony could feel his excitement.

“I love it. And despite your sarcasm, it does look better.”

Tony laughed and pulled Steve in for another kiss.

Three days later they were both in a helicopter and Steve refused to tell him where they were going. Tony was not begging or whining. He wasn't.

“Are you sure we aren't lost?”

“I'm sure. I've even got my GPS.”

“Because so far it looks like forest. Did you get me a forest? What am I going to do with a forest? Not that I don't love it, I do. I'm just not an avid hiker really. I could learn though. For you.”

“Tony.” Steve interjected. “I did not buy you a forest.”

“Oh thank God.” And just to make sure he didn't offend, “Not that I wouldn't love your gift.”

Steve looked at him with an arched eyebrow.

“I would!” Tony defended.

“I'm sure,” Steve said but it was all love and play sounding.

Tony didn't get a chance to reply because the helicopter was made it's decent. It landed in a clearing with a small log cabin and a larger metal structure behind it.

“You rented us a cabin?” Tony asked.

Steve flushed, “Kind of, come inside. I'll explain.”

Tony followed him into a barely furnished cabin. He was a bit confused but he was sure Steve was going somewhere with it or maybe it looked better online, Steve still wasn't great with Google.

“So, I hope you're not mad because I don't think I've ever spent this much money. But this is ours. I didn't decorate it because I wanted your input. The tower is Stark Industries, the mansion is for the Avengers and your Malibu house has a lot of bad memories but this is for us. I cleared it with Phil and Pepper and we have every third weekend of the month off, to come here. I built it, for us. There is a workshop and studio in the back.”

Steve looked so unsure and Tony practically tackled him.

“It's perfect. I can't believe you built me a house.”

breakeven, clint/coulson, avengers, steve/tony

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