[Thread] Tell me it won't always be this hard

Dec 31, 2008 19:10

Characters: AU!Fay and AU!Kurogane
Where: A classroom in the school
When: After This, During the love potion plot
Summary: Fay is hiding under a desk. Kurogane stumble upon him and feels oddly protective of the cat.
Warnings: Angst, Language, Fluffish?

Kurogane was humming idly to himself as he-... Kurogane frowned. When the hell did he hum? He sighed, looking off to the side slightly. When he was content. And he had been overly content with things lately. Happy, really, which had been a rare emotion in the past few years. At least for anything close to a long period of time. Like more then ten minutes. He was damn sure he had woken up happy today, thinking of Fye...

And he kept drifting off when he thought of Fye, which was annoying because he didn't drift as much before as he had been doing lately. Kurogane sighed and went back to watching the snow in front of him as he walked. It wasn't long before he was humming softly again though. Couldn't be helped. He managed to get his song to just be in his head as he started through the hallways of the school though. The mood wasn't going anywhere however.

Now if only his right shoulder would stop throbbing...

[trc] fai d flowright, location: school, [trc] kurogane, *complete

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