[Thread] Baking Cookies

Dec 22, 2008 01:20

Characters: AU Tenjoin Asuka, open to whoever.
Where: Paj-Ennea, specifically the kitchen
When: Mid-afternoon-ish.
Summary: In an attempt to, hopefully, bring brighter spirits to the compound, Asuka intends to bake simple cookies for everyone. But having never cooked anything of this magnitude before, she could use a little help. (Not that she ( Read more... )

[yuugiou gx] yuki judai, [star wars] ahsoka tano, [yuugiou gx] tenjoin asuka, [d.n.angel] krad, [final fantasy vii] jenova, *open, [digimon] ishida yamato

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ladymeteor December 22 2008, 08:14:42 UTC
Jenova was impatient. She'd received orders, assignments, a message telling her where to go and there was nothing, nothing she hated more than to be told what to do. She was Mother-order-authority, not this sham of a military leader.

Military leaders. She knew those. Had watched, watched and observed, listened and waited while news drifted in--through the mouths of scientists, the thoughts of visiting politicians, the documents in sealed envelopes. What they were was nothing like this.

And so she left that small-confined-tiny space and she explored, first with her mind, mapping out the rooms, the floors, the occupants-fellows-neighbors, then she grew bored enough with the slow movements of time to reach out with her own self. She had legs this time--the narrow hallways-walkways-pathways before one room to another were not enough to move about comfortably with grandeur. Even Jenova knew to choose functionality before form on relevant occasions.

And so that was how she ended up wandering the halls, slipping past rows and rows of closed doors until finally she found one with the door swung wide open, the lights-bright-sharp all on and cheerily lit. This was not the lab with the white lights and the blue sparks. This was warm. Yellow. And she moved forwards to look in.

There was someone in there. Reaching out with her mind, she felt the connection with the webwork of the girl's mind--an easy alternative so that she need not speak. What are you doing? she asked.

It had been a long time since she had slept and healed and lain dormant only to listen and watch. To experience was a new thing, and she found that was curious.


idolfragrance December 23 2008, 07:22:21 UTC
Well, that was odd. Asuka couldn't say she had ever had someone try to communicate with her telepathically before, and having someone - especially someone she didn't know - talk directly to her mind was on the somewhat creepy side, to be honest. But she didn't panic, even as she looked up from where she sat mixing ingredients. "I'm baking cookies," she answered aloud, the only way she knew how to.


ladymeteor December 24 2008, 19:11:14 UTC

Jenova sidled further into the room--concepts such as intrusion and private property were meaningless to her... incomprehensible human foolishness for those who simply did not know-understand-comprehend the virtues of sharing.

Memories filtered into her mind. Not her own of course, but gleaned knowledge, old thoughts and memories from minds long dead and burned to ash. Billions. Jenova had traveled far and she had traveled long. Humans and their words, their ability to encompass exactly what they meant in one saying. She knew so many different ones, brown and white and sprinkled with red, aisles and aisles of them in brightly-colored packaging, price check in aisle five--

How do you this? she asked instead, turning glowing eyes at the bowl in her hands. What do you do?


Late!reply is late, sorry!! idolfragrance December 30 2008, 06:45:26 UTC
"It's not that hard," Asuka replied. "You choose a recipe you like, gather the ingredients that it lists, mix them together, separate the dough that's formed into several pieces, and then put the pieces in the oven for enough time for them to be cooked, but not burnt."

It shouldn't have come as all that much surprise that there were worlds out there where people didn't know what cookies were or how to make them, but somehow it did still manage to surprise her a little bit.


Haha no worries! ladymeteor December 31 2008, 08:19:20 UTC
How strange. Jenova filtered the strange girl's comments and her own varied remembrances with near-puzzlement. Odd-strange-bizarre, these customs... the point of hunger was to feed-consume-devour. To satiate that need to live-grow-multiply.

Why then this portioning of consumables? Why not take as much as one could make, stave off that hunger as quickly, efficiently, as possible?

These cookies... if they are used to feed on, to be sustained by... Why make them so small-tiny-insignificant? Why so many little ones in the stead of one great one?

If she was to stay here, if she was to work her plots, her machinations, here, she needed to understand their ways. Needed to know-comprehend-conquer.

But even after veritable millennia of consuming their accumulated knowledge, humans could still be such difficult creatures to understand.


Re: Haha no worries! idolfragrance December 31 2008, 08:54:46 UTC
It took a moment of thinking for Asuka to come up with an answer. Not because she didn't know, but because it was hard to explain. And she'd never had to, being from a place where such foods were common.

"Well," she replied, "cookies are... they're not really the kind of food that someone would live off of. They're more of a food to have on special occasions, and to give as gifts for those occasions. Part of the point is to share them with others, which is why a lot of smaller cookies are made instead of one big one. That, and it takes less time to cook them when they're smaller, I think."


Re: Haha no worries! ladymeteor January 1 2009, 08:31:38 UTC
How strange, how very self-sacrificing. Jenova was ultimately a very selfish creature. She loved, certainly, as much as she knew how. She cared, she reached out her hand in friendship, she gave much power, but no more than she withheld for herself. She understood death, even dying for a cause, so long as it was her own cause, but she did not understand self-sacrifice, did not see that there could be nobility in the act, no matter how many memories she may have consumed.

For a moment, she hesitated. Never before had she dirtied her hands with mundane-boring-human tasks--always before she had floated-waited-watched in her glass coffin, reaching out her thought to others who would fulfill her wishes.

But perhaps that needed changing. They had wandered-scattered-strayed. Something needed to be changed.

Will you teach me? she inquired finally. Will you allow me to help-assist-accompany you in the making?

Perhaps this notion of giving 'gifts' could not hurt.


Re: Haha no worries! idolfragrance January 1 2009, 08:37:44 UTC
"Of course!" Asuka replied with a smile. "You're welcome to help, and I'd love to teach you what I know." And she wasn't about to turn down help in her endeavor if it was offered. Cookies for the entire compound wasn't a small task, after all.


Re: Haha no worries! ladymeteor January 1 2009, 08:59:01 UTC
What can I do?

Truthfully, Jenova was not comfortable with this situation. It felt beneath her. Demeaning. Less than what is expected of a goddess. Especially since it so required-needed-necessitated orders and instructions from a human.

And yet... did she not also know-remember-understand the act of baking cookies? Was it not an activity long known as one befitting a Mother to participate in?

It all may turn out all right after all.


idolfragrance January 2 2009, 08:33:59 UTC
"Well, for the moment I've just been making batches of dough, so that they can cool in the fridge until they're able to be rolled out easily," Asuka replied. "Could you help mix some batches of dough? It's really just a matter of mixing the ingredients together until they're consistant and thick."


ladymeteor January 6 2009, 03:07:40 UTC

She stared at the bowl, at the clumpy mass of substance... a small, chunky little monstrosity that reminded Jenova sharply of the scientists-thinkers-deceivers and their early experimentation, their first creations. The ones that had been as a random joining of flesh and bone and blood and organ, nothing human, nothing alien, but pulsating, alive even as they had burn-burn-burned it into nothingness.

The first children by those white coats. That was what this mass of cookie dough reminded her of.

And somehow, that did not seem right. I can. It will fix-mend-reform the deformities. Make it seamless and the same.

She would not allow this one, this lump of thoughtless matter, to burn as the others had.

(OOC: Sorry for previous post, wrong journal.)


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