[Thread] Baking Cookies

Dec 22, 2008 01:20

Characters: AU Tenjoin Asuka, open to whoever.
Where: Paj-Ennea, specifically the kitchen
When: Mid-afternoon-ish.
Summary: In an attempt to, hopefully, bring brighter spirits to the compound, Asuka intends to bake simple cookies for everyone. But having never cooked anything of this magnitude before, she could use a little help. (Not that she ( Read more... )

[yuugiou gx] yuki judai, [star wars] ahsoka tano, [yuugiou gx] tenjoin asuka, [d.n.angel] krad, [final fantasy vii] jenova, *open, [digimon] ishida yamato

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Comments 42

ladymeteor December 22 2008, 08:14:42 UTC
Jenova was impatient. She'd received orders, assignments, a message telling her where to go and there was nothing, nothing she hated more than to be told what to do. She was Mother-order-authority, not this sham of a military leader.

Military leaders. She knew those. Had watched, watched and observed, listened and waited while news drifted in--through the mouths of scientists, the thoughts of visiting politicians, the documents in sealed envelopes. What they were was nothing like this ( ... )


idolfragrance December 23 2008, 07:22:21 UTC
Well, that was odd. Asuka couldn't say she had ever had someone try to communicate with her telepathically before, and having someone - especially someone she didn't know - talk directly to her mind was on the somewhat creepy side, to be honest. But she didn't panic, even as she looked up from where she sat mixing ingredients. "I'm baking cookies," she answered aloud, the only way she knew how to.


ladymeteor December 24 2008, 19:11:14 UTC

Jenova sidled further into the room--concepts such as intrusion and private property were meaningless to her... incomprehensible human foolishness for those who simply did not know-understand-comprehend the virtues of sharing.

Memories filtered into her mind. Not her own of course, but gleaned knowledge, old thoughts and memories from minds long dead and burned to ash. Billions. Jenova had traveled far and she had traveled long. Humans and their words, their ability to encompass exactly what they meant in one saying. She knew so many different ones, brown and white and sprinkled with red, aisles and aisles of them in brightly-colored packaging, price check in aisle five--

How do you this? she asked instead, turning glowing eyes at the bowl in her hands. What do you do?


Late!reply is late, sorry!! idolfragrance December 30 2008, 06:45:26 UTC
"It's not that hard," Asuka replied. "You choose a recipe you like, gather the ingredients that it lists, mix them together, separate the dough that's formed into several pieces, and then put the pieces in the oven for enough time for them to be cooked, but not burnt."

It shouldn't have come as all that much surprise that there were worlds out there where people didn't know what cookies were or how to make them, but somehow it did still manage to surprise her a little bit.


necessitated December 22 2008, 08:34:11 UTC
Ahsoka found her way to Paj-Ennea without any trouble--after all, by this point she knew the layout of this compound and it's various locations like the back of her hand. The Force seemed relatively calm at the moment, despite what was already being tended to, and the young padawan learner saw no harm in helping someone bake a dessert. She's promised herself that she'd do her best to uphold the Code while she was here, but there was nothing in the Jedi Codes that forbid this. A rule like that would have been utterly ridiculous, she mused as she stepped up to the door and raised a hand, knocking.

Only then did she realize that she'd forgotten to introduce herself to the girl or ask her name. She winced, feeling rude and hoped her non-human appearance would at least give herself away as the person who'd spoken to her on the comms.


idolfragrance December 23 2008, 07:22:23 UTC
As she heard a knock on the door, Asuka smiled and put down the bowl that she had been mixing this batch of dough in - it was almost ready to go in the fridge for a little while, so that it could chill before it was rolled out and cut into shapes before being cooked - and walked over to the door to answer it.

"Hi there," she greeted the newcomer, taking a note of her non-human characteristics but no more than a note of them. "You're here to help out?"


necessitated December 25 2008, 01:35:51 UTC
Ahsoka was relieved to not receive many of the more common reactions to her non-human appearance and smiled at the greeting, nodding her head. She didn't hate humans and near-humans, not in the least, but many of them here were unaccustomed to people like her who were were obviously not of the same species and while she knew that took some adjusting to, there were some who continued to look at her like some sort of monster. She was glad this girl wasn't one of them.

"That's right. I'm Ahsoka Tano, by the way. I'm afraid I forgot to introduce myself earlier. Sorry about that."


Late!response is late, sorry!!! idolfragrance December 30 2008, 06:50:24 UTC
To Asuka, human or non-human didn't matter, especially right now, especially if everyone was going to survive while they were here. Her brother's beloved was half djinn, after all, and there was a talking wolf somewhere who was kind. What mattered was, really, whether someone was kind, or seeking to hurt others. And as long as one was the first, rather than the second, nothing else mattered.

"That's all right," Asuka replied with a smile. "I'm Tenjoin Asuka, by the way - it's nice to meet you. Come on in." And she made room for her guest to enter.


dark_friendship December 22 2008, 21:16:30 UTC
Yamato had noticed the post by Fubuki's sister, and decided to go and lend a hand. He would be on the Paj floor anyway, for another of his music lessons. So once it was over, he headed right down the hall to Paj-Ennea and knocked politely on the door. Fubuki had talked about his sister, and the fact that there were two of them hadn't been lost on the blond. He just hadn't had a chance to meet either of them yet.


idolfragrance December 23 2008, 07:22:26 UTC
Asuka got up from where she had been sitting, mixing another bowlful of dough, to answer the door. If it was someone here to help with baking cookies, that would be a good thing. The more the merrier, after all. And even if it was someone looking for something else, it would be impolite to not answer the door.

"Hi," she greeted as she opened the door. A faint memory came to the surface of her mind - she'd never talked to him before, didn't know his name, but she'd seen him around before, once, a while back, though she couldn't quite remember where.


dark_friendship December 23 2008, 19:36:23 UTC
Yamato smiled a little bit. Time for introductions. "Hello. I'm Ishida Yamato...you probably don't know me, but I know your brother, Fubuki. He's talked about you before...so...well, I saw your post about making cookies, and I'm a pretty good cook, so I thought I'd come help, if you don't mind." It wasn't the most elegant introduction in the world, but even after a year and a half in Econtra, Yamato had the occasional issue with human interaction.


idolfragrance December 24 2008, 07:47:27 UTC
Ah, so he was one of her brother's friends. Not that this surprised Asuka all that much - her brother tended to make friends with just about anyone, easily. That was one of his strengths. But he still did tend to have good taste in friends, and any friend of her brother's was a friend of hers (except in one case, but she was trying her best to ignore his past mistakes and accept him too, not that they talked much).

"I don't mind at all," she replied with a smile. "I can use all the help I can get."


hikariartangel December 23 2008, 23:21:21 UTC
Why had Krad decided to help bake these cookies? Well, it was actually a good question to ask himself. He had baked before. At the time where he was...well, the best word to use was insane. It was a time he didn't think too much of. So why volunteer to bake?

He was getting bored. And, though he'd only admit it to himself, a bit lonely. With Layla gone, the one person he considered a friend, he'd find himself craving the company of others. Still, it was awkward to just assume he'd be welcome. But perhaps if he did something, something he knew he could, and help others with it, perhaps that would help this odd desire of his to be around people.

If nothing else, there was no harm in it. So he wore one his simpler outfits, just white slacks and a white button up shirt and tied back his hair. It was odd to pull away the bangs, but they were a hinder for baking. Now he stood in front of this 'Asuka's' door and knocked.


idolfragrance December 24 2008, 07:47:29 UTC
The knock on the door wasn't unexpected - there had been another response to her entry, after all, and another person (someone she didn't know) who had said he could come to help out. Which was why, when she heard it, Asuka made her way over to the door and opened it. "Hi," she greeted the stranger with a smile.


hikariartangel December 24 2008, 07:52:03 UTC
Krad bowed his head in greeting. "Hello. I am Krad." He said. "I offered to help with your baking?" He said politely.


Late!response is late, sorry!!! idolfragrance December 30 2008, 08:13:31 UTC
She nodded - there had been another reply to her initial post, but she hadn't replied, by that time already having started mixing ingredients. But she was grateful to have anyone come to help. "Thanks for coming. And I'm Tenjoin Asuka. It's nice to meet you." She moved out of the way of the door to let Krad inside.


misguidedherald December 24 2008, 00:04:58 UTC
Judai himself hadn't seen the message detailing Asuka's generous intention towards a compound that seemed to be rife with mistrust and suspicion, yet the sweet aroma that had begun to waft through the air in the Paj hallway had been enough indication that something a little more unusual was going on -- though certainly nothing nefarious in nature, the smell could tell him that much, even if it was more a judgment made with his stomach, rather than with his head ( ... )


idolfragrance December 24 2008, 07:47:31 UTC
Asuka certainly recognized that voice - it was one of the Judais at the door, and regardless of anything that had happened and how many of each of their respective actions she might disagree with at times, she still considered all of the ones that she had met to be her friend. So of course she would go to the door and open it to let him in - it turned out to be the younger one, the one who she hadn't yet spoken to, really. Not that she spoke to the older one often, either - she didn't tend to speak to a lot of people, lately.

"Thanks," she replied. "I'm not all that experienced, but a few people have come to help, and we've been doing our best."


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